Chapter 72 Because You’re Crying

She brought the phone to her car, surprised that he had answered. Before she could gather her thoughts, there was a brief moment of silence.

Tears streamed down her face as she frantically wiped them away, fearing someone might see her.

Her uncontrollable sobs carried through the phone to Dominic on the other end. His voice was steady as he asked, “Where are you?”

“I’m in the hospital,” Bella replied softly.

The call was immediately disconnected, leaving her staring at the phone in a daze. A deep sense of loss washed over her as she realized she shouldn’t have disturbed him.

She had no intention of going home. After what had happened, she was too scared to be alone.

With Simon still unconscious under anesthesia and no way to contact his family, she felt responsible for staying, especially since he’d been injured trying to save her.

The corridor was empty, except for the occasional family member visiting a patient. They all gave her strange looks. Perhaps her current disheveled appearance was so diffe from her usual neat and tidy image in her white coat that no one recognized her.

she was about to resign herself to spending the night there, someone walked up to her and blocked

looked up, her eyes widening in surprise. It was Dominic.

happened?” he asked

had happened, but she avoided mentioning her relationship with Simon. She was already enough of a

Dominic’s frown deepened. “Let’s go

the nurses there, she felt he

hesitated to follow, as her clothes were still damp and muddy, and she didn’t want to dirty

standing there, Dominic rolled down the window and said, “Don’t waste time. Do you think I enjoy running around in

and awkwardly got into the car with her head bowed. “Why did you

impatiently, “Then why

But she hadn’t said anything

again. “You wouldn’t call me

heard you crying on the

Had she been so obvious while crying? She thought she

and said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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