Chapter 14

014 Mr. Knight’s Ex

Scarlett’s POV

I want to sit down right there on the staircase and let the overwhelming emptiness gulp me, but I dare not. I know if I let it, then I will stay beaten. I will lose the strength I’m pretending to have and collapse

I thought I could let go of Sebastian. Ever since I walked into their kiss three months ago, I have been preparing for this day. I did it.

It just hurts more than I expected.

Closing my eyes, I try to chase Sebastian out of my head. I just need something, anything, to take up the hole left in my heart now that I carved him out.

Something I could value. Something for myself. I lived my life around him, but I used to have a life of my own. I used to have friends to laugh and cry with, used to be competitive just like any student. I used to have a dream.

Inave it

I was going to be a writer, before up and stayed home to build a family,

Richard Hanson.

Jack Fuller’s mean face when he mentioned that name pops into my mind, like he was throwing a bone to a pitiful dog.

burns in my chest, and magically, the pain

did. He thought he could threaten/lure me with my dream — the first script


help me when brought that to him, and that’s why he never mentioned it again until he desperately

can buy my freedom with MY dream, so why not start there? Prove him

I know just the

out of my phone,

Dunn: [A movie from Mr. Knight’s

into my inbox after I sent that message. Only one

to ask for my help, Ava would talk to me through

call either, nor did

new message belongs

[Coming home?]


014 Mr Knight Ex

two words. From three days ago. If I didn’t have Aurora to turn to, but just died in some corner that no

those two words, suddenly having

the divorce papers seriously, or he doesn’t understand what a divorce

it is no longer married? After that ugly fallout, after I saw clearly the true faces of these so–called “family“, after he snatched the divorce papers out of me just in case I would go back on

Are you coming home?

To “clear” the misunderstanding, and “come to my senses” that they weren’t being horrible to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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