Chapter 29

029 Take Her Home

Scarlett’s POV

Long after Damon left, I’m still standing on the street corner with Aurora, showering in the no–longer–too- warm breeze of the end of summer because she is staring in the direction where his car has left.

“Someone is smittennnn,” I tease when I have to rub my arms to keep warm, “do you want me to call 911 to arrange a date for you?”

“What?!” Aurora snaps out of it, exclaiming, “What are you talking about”

“Umm, the elephant on the street???” I follow her as she strides in to dodge my eyes, “Since when?!

“I’m not into him!” Aurora shouts with red ear tips, “You”

She suddenly stops, and I giggle as I follow her sight to look, only to freeze where I am.

Sebastian, leaning against the wall elegantly beside the elevator. He bends his swan neck a little, his soulful eyes

on the ground as if in deep thought. His hands are in his pants pockets, and he has one leg curled up a little with the tip of his shining shoes pointed at the ground.

look good even in an elevator lobby at

in the same position for too long. He comes at us, stops at

years is long enough

can you give us a minute?” I whisper


what it could be for the busy billionaire to come here at such a time, just to wait for me. If it’s Ava,

more than I already am. If I keep the baby, then it’s better if

Aurora is not moving: “No, not after tonight. He

reaction. They don’t like each other, but they weren’t exactly enemies

telling them about the donation would


side, whispering, “Besides, he is a victim in this, too. I didn’t tell you those things

love him, do you?!” Aurora grunts back in a whisper too, supressing her upset with hardship, “1–forget it! I’ll leave you to

clicks her high heels to the elevator, leaving

Sebastian frowns with confusion, nadding

029 Take Her Home


his lips again. He is bothered by something, usually by something I did or said. Usually this is where I squeeze that out of him, apologize, and make amend,

that day when he pushed me

I’m healing now.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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