Chapter 51

051 A Win For Me

Scarlett’s POV

The rest of the party went through smoothly.

Sebastian lured me here with the divorcing papers, but I don’t know if I could count on his words when Ava is here to occupy his attention. But after I sent Granny off at the gate, I found not only Sebastian, but another unexpected surprise waiting for me there, too.

“She’s not going with you,” Sebastian fires at Adrian the first thing after Granny’s car leaves.

Why would Adrian even do that?? He is such a baby!

“That’s her decision,” Adrian smirks. Compared to Sebastian’s sullen grumble, Adrian seems charmingly at ease, “even if you still are her husband…technically.”

Okay, two babies.

“I’m going with-“I try to explain, but Adrian curves his lips-

“Miss Dawson and Miss Grey didn’t want to drag you to another taxi ride, and they trusted me with your safety after I got them a taxi a few minutes

Did Aurora just abandon me to my new boss?! Seriously?!

“I mean, I really appreciate that, Mr. Dunn, but-”


your new job,” Adrian glances at Sebastian when he says “new job“, adding, “I wouldn’t be a good boss if I let

glare, and Adrian grins happily at

to a guy who I’m not familiar with. But as if seeing through my thoughts, Adrian adds: “You don’t want to make me break

But I don’t want to drag his name through

say goodbye to what’s in my car,” Sebastian gets impatient and ignores me and Adrian,

the table turned around to where he could



A Win


I raise my voice for Sebastian to hear, “Please give me ONE minute

and Sebastian walks away even


and I barely caught him by his car – he already opened his door when I was still a few meters away, and

you?” Ava throws herself into Sebastian’s

shoots me a glance, “trying” to get Ava off his neck. I mean, how hard is it, for a grown man to peel off a

what you mean when your said you have nothing to do with her?” I put on a smile, walking over as I smirk at Ava. Her face darkens instantly as she comes off

me to do things that Ava

Adrian? I thought


I nod at Ava, “And from the look of

looks at Ava, too, and instantly his tone softens: “Didn’t you see Alfred? I sent him to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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