Chapter 234: Learning Law for Cheyenne’s Sake

Omari was stunned for several seconds, and finally a hint of smile appeared on his handsome and elegant face. His lips slightly opened, whispering softly. “Not cohabitation.”

“Cheyenne is not with that lame guy, great…”

“So I still have a chance! Great, great!”

Cheyenne was quite far away and completely focused on breakfast, so she didn’t hear clearly what he was murmuring in his mouth.

Iker, who had sharp hearing and keen eyesight, could hear clearly. A hint of annoyance quickly flashed through his deep-set eyes.

But he himself had not yet realized it.

“I can eat it now?” Cheyenne looked fiercely at Omari with round, wide eyes.

But Omari only felt her an adorable foodie.

He couldn’t help but recall their youth years.

Three hours after he ran away from home, he was found and decided to study hard. At the age of seventeen, he enrolled in Akloit High School, a prestigious school designed for wealthy children. It was a Monday, and he delivered a speech as an outstanding student representative.

At a glance among the crowd of junior high school students, he saw a fair and delicate girl tying her school uniform around her waist. Her white short-sleeved shirt was nothing special, but it always seemed different when worn on her.

A gentle breeze blew through the girl’s soft hair as she lay fast asleep on her friend’s body, unaware of what she was dreaming about. Drool dripped onto the person’s shoulder.

sweet sleeping face, which was none

he inquired and found out that her name was

“bad girl” who made all teachers and students

fighting, sleeping in class, cheating on exams and talking back to

nothing she

understand why Cheyenne, who clearly had a cute and fair face, would make such

hw saw her was in the small alley

street, there were some off-campus hooligans

and extortion cases were constantly

in the corner of his eye a young girl holding an ice cream cone, savoring it with delight. There was a smudge of ice cream on her nose, a small,

with boredom. Their eyes met briefly,

he were a

of disappointment. Did

reached the

to intervene, Cheyenne charged in from the other side and

was only in eighth

performance left him stunned. She moved nimbly among the group of thugs, striking

guys kneeling before this little

snacks like obedient followers trailing

her slender figure disappear

had forgotten about hanging up her white school uniform

her clothes and suddenly realized what major he wanted

injured someone too severely during

use his knowledge of law as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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