Chapter 259: Psychological Attack

Peyton’s gloating eyes were so piercing that Kate wanted to go up and ask if she deliberately got her drunk. Unfortunately, all of this became unnecessary when she saw Graeme’s cold face. Watching the two figures walk further away, Kate couldn’t help but cry. A crystal clear tear fell from her thick lashes onto her small face.

Finally, it disappeared into her collar and dampened a small patch of fabric with uneven colors. Other passing students looked at her curiously and heard someone whispering behind her back. But this time they weren’t as reckless as before because Kate had caused trouble in Timothy’s class before. Her fierce appearance when kicking Timothy scared many people. Timothy hesitantly walked over from the other side of the hallway, and from a distance, he saw Kate sitting in a chair, crying inconsolably. She was in stark contrast to the couple who had left, looking like a picture-perfect pair.

He couldn’t help but glance at the box of Italian artisanal chocolates that he had bought with the money he had saved. She probably wouldn’t care about that now.

Listening to her crying and seeing her swollen eyes, Timothy was filled with guilt. He remembered that night he almost ruined Kate and felt sorry for it.

As Kate sobbed, she didn’t notice the approaching figure, and when she did, she impatiently yelled at him, “Get lost!”

Timothy felt his leg still aching from her kick. Bearing the pain, he stuttered, “Kate, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that night. These chocolates are for you. I hope you’ll stop crying.”

and her eyes lit up as they landed on the chocolates. “These are

packaging. However, being from a wealthy family, she must have tasted a lot of good

right? Even though these were given to me because Peyton didn’t want them, I’m in a bad mood now. So,

class, and his knowledge of Kate mostly came from Peyton’s descriptions. According to Peyton, Kate was someone who used connections to enter college and had looks but no talent.

people who bypassed the rules. Why should they be allowed to reap the rewards without putting in the effort? Kate, with tears still in her eyes, reached for the chocolates. She carefully unwrapped the candy coating and placed

smooth and has a

had lightened her mood. He decided to apologize again, “Kate, I’m really sorry for what happened. I never intended for

with a haughty tone, “I ate your chocolates, but it doesn’t mean


he turned to leave,

him. Her eyes were half-closed,

me to forgive you?” she asked, her tone playful. “Tell me, does this have

that name made Timothy’s face tense. He quickly looked away, trying to hide his nervousness. Kate, however,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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