Chapter 268: The Judge

The atmosphere fell silent for a moment, and after several seconds, Sam finally laughed. He slowly got up and reached for the Bible on the table.

Quickly flipping to a certain page in the middle, he handed it to Kelvin.

“Kelvin, is this what you were talking about? I actually discussed stories from Bible with you a long time ago, but you weren’t interested so I didn’t bring it up again.” As he mentioned this, Kelvin remembered.

Sam was very interested in Bible, so he talked about “the Garden of Eden” with him.

He said, “Revelation” in Bible states: “The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan.”

The serpent represents all the devilish aspects in the world, such as temptation and empty beauty.

On the other hand, the eagle, as depicted in the Bible, lives a life that is “heavenly” and is closest to God. It symbolizes the divine nature and judgment of God.

The totem, therefore, conveys the meaning of judging all the wickedness in the world.

This totem expresses the meaning: judging all evil things in this world.

almost identical to what was carved on coins before. His heart skipped a beat – did those people

can I borrow your Bible? Recently I’ve become interested in Western mythology too,” Kelvin proactively asked for something which was

saying: “Of course you can take it; return it later.” “Thank you; I’ll give it back later,” replied Kelvin as he left holding onto the book, then pushed open door wanting to leave but couldn’t help turning back looking at Sam still sitting on sofa and reminding him: “Better not drink too much alcohol

worries; I’m not going

The Foley Mansion.

into bedroom where his grandpa sat half upright at bedside with

white temples, who looked about sixty years old. He wore a black long robe jacket and had a delicate silver badge on

quite refined and elegant, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed reading glasses. He seemed to be the grandfather’s

in, waved at Kelvin and smiled with some happiness in his expression. “Kelvin, come here. Meet Mr. Chambers, he is

persistence and research in art, he started getting silver hair when he was in his thirties which became more severe over time. So now he looked much

greet him saying “Mr. Chambers, hello! Thank you for coming to visit

it was words of gratitude from Kelvin but the not-so-enthusiastic expression on his face made Rex feel unhappy. He’d heard the story between

rhythmically on the floor mixed with a clear sweet female voice saying, “Old Mr. Foley, the

her features beautifully giving off an alluring charm; high nose bridge combined with thick lips exuded sexiness making her look like

looking away; having seen countless beauties before made him immune to their charms even though women from various backgrounds tried throwing themselves at him during social

fitting for Akloit’s richest man known as business emperor even if he didn’t say anything while standing there silently. In showbiz, those pretty boys might look good but 95% were jerks whose private lives were chaotic; Juliana didn’t like them nor did she have any interest towards rich

and squander outside, but there weren’t many truly capable ones among them. Kelvin, however, was a clear stream among the second-generation rich and an outstanding figure. Isn’t this kind of man worthy

blushing face like a silly girl, he felt helpless. Although the Meng family wasn’t a big wealthy family, they were still well-educated and had elegance ingrained

tea been brewed already? Hurry up and bring it over,” Rex said as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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