Chapter 490: Madam Thalia’s True Colors

During these four years, Sophie would call to check in and send gifts back home. Even so, Kai felt satisfied.

Now she heard that his father was not feeling well, and Sophie sought a secret remedy from a Jostranan doctor and sending the medicine to the Todd family.

In her letter, she mentioned that she had almost completed her studies and would return home soon. She looked forward to reuniting with the family.

Sophie was around the same age as Erica, and they grew up together since childhood. They were so close that they slept in the same bed and wore one pair of pants.

After she went abroad for studies four years ago, Erica became like a mother figure to her. Their sisterly bond broke apart because of this.

Even when Erica passed away, Sophie did not attend her funeral. Kai knew that she probably still harbored resentment towards Erica but didn’t blame her for not coming back. He wanted her to focus on completing her studies instead.

He thought Thalia had taken over the task of delivering his medicine but the more he took this medicine, the more he felt something was wrong with his body.

He secretly visited Layne two days ago, but Layne refused to see him after Cheyenne fell into the sea.

The attending physician at Hopedale Hospital told him there were signs of declining vision due to thinning retinas which could eventually lead to blindness. It wasn’t an accidental event; preliminary judgment suggested it was caused by medication.

Kai immediately suspected Thalia’s daily medication requests for himself.

When she brought medication again, he didn’t take it but sent her away and wrapped it up in tissue paper. Then he gave it to Adrian, his trusted confidant for testing, without realizing Adrian had colluded with Thalia!

told Thalia that she’s been exposed and suggested she swapped the supplements regularly

advised Kai against taking such

believe that someone who he

secret: Erica did not commit suicide; instead killed by his own

by Davon and his mother to make a phone call

who orchestrated the car

years gone by, Erica and the driver involved in the incident have both passed away, rendering this recording useless in court.

been enduring his pain these past few

Don’t have Sophie send it anymore,”

table with an extremely loud noise that surprised him. She glared at him and asked, “What are you doing?” Thalia sneered and wiped off some dust from herself with a

laughed out loud and clenched his fists before punching his pillow hard. He then questioned her coldly, “Well done! You finally showed your true colors!” “What family property? It has been divided up long ago! What Iker owns now is what he deserves plus some that

enough messes for Davon privately over these past few years? If you’re jealous of Iker’s success, then

Spence family was a military political aristocratic family that became wealthy later on but pursued luxury

than that of the Wood family; when she married into the Todd family, her father only allowed her to take two million as her dowry. Two million

loved luxury goods, and after giving birth to Davon, she

all of her money and started to think about steal inheritance

never took one penny from it but transferred

Davon and his son, as well as Erica’s, was all earned by Kai himself. He divided

still difficult to

Iker once, Thalia even wanted to take his life and didn’t

trust to hand the Todd family

jealous of Isabella’s family background since she was young. They were classmates. Isabella outshone Thalia in terms of appearance, academic performance, and family background. This stimulated her strong sense of competitiveness. After graduation, Isabella became the talk of the town for her marriage with Kai, while Thalia could only train like

Kai and even used her father’s influence

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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