Chapter 241: Smith?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios


Tanya panicked. She urged, “Quick, Nora, go and have a look!”

Might something have happened to that beautiful middle-aged lady?

Nora had heard what Mrs. Landis said as soon as she got out of the car, so she was also a little taken aback. For some reason, she quite liked that lady, so she nodded and said, “Lead the way.”

Pete, who was hiding in the car, looked at Mrs. Landis in confusion. Wasn’t she Mrs. Landis, his grandmother’s caregiver?

He got out of the car as well. He was about to walk over when something suddenly occurred to him—if his grandmother saw him, then wouldn’t everything be exposed?!

He wasn’t worried about his grandmother’s health, though, because she underwent a health checkup every year!

Moreover, the tyrant had assigned his grandmother bodyguards, who were all around the place. If something had really happened, there was no way the bodyguards would be this quiet.

Therefore, while Mrs. Landis was preoccupied and hadn’t noticed him yet, he grabbed Tanya’s hand and said, “Open the door first, God-mom. That kind of environment isn’t suitable for kids. I’ll wait for you and Mommy here.”


Tanya, “…”

To think she didn’t even think as far ahead as a child. Nevertheless, she quickly came back to her senses, hurriedly opened the door, and let Pete in. Only then did she go after Nora.

Two minutes later.

Inside the greenhouse, Tanya stared at the beautiful lady in front of her and the pot of flowers in her hand. She was stunned. “When you asked for help, you were talking about the pot of flowers?”

The beautiful woman nodded. “Yes, of course. What else could I have been talking about?”

Both Tanya and Nora fell silent.

When the two of them heard Mrs. Landis’ call for help, all they could think of was that something had happened to her.

Now that they thought about it again, wasn’t it obvious? It wasn’t like Mrs. Landis knew Nora was a doctor after all!

The corners of Tanya’s lips spasmed a little. “Then you should have been clearer about it. We ended up running all the way here.”

terribly nervous. “These flowers are Ma’am’s life itself. I wasn’t exaggerating when I asked for


didn’t say any more. As for Nora, she looked at the pot of flowers in Iris’s hand. It was likely infested with worms, but because they had

“The pesticide has already penetrated deep into

missy managed to save the flowers by spraying them with vinegar, so

what you’re saying. Vinegar is edible, but is pesticide

she kept her head

mind to use the pesticide because she had convinced her to. Even though she wouldn’t make her compensate for the flowers, it upset her

looked at Nora and asked, “Can you save this

brows were also knitted together,

didn’t say that this pot of flowers is going to die,”

and Iris were taken aback at her words, and

can’t keep this particular flower anymore, but the pot

“Brew them until they fill up only three bowls of water. Dilute the solution and water the flowers with it after that,

heard her verbally listing the

her method of using traditional medicine to treat flowers resemble

based in

after she finished. Then, she slowly started to walk toward the door. “Just do as I say

to Nora, grabbed her, and said, “Ms. Smith, right? Let’s

Nora, “?”

won’t disturb you! At the most, I’ll only approach

Nora, “…”

the owner of Villa No. 9 didn’t seem like anyone simple. She didn’t want to get

eyes, as well as her beautiful, practically


Cherry had actually inherited her love for

her cell phone and they added each other on Messenger. Only then did

Iris was the only one in the villa for a while. She sat on the wooden chair

lot of

woman had filtered her out, so she scrolled up the page, upon which she found

In which case…

had never posted anything before?

there was another knock on the door. She subconsciously got up and walked over


turned cold. “What are you here

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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