Tanya stared at Hillary.

Never would she have ever expected that the woman, who had merely bullied and humiliated her a little five years ago, would actually go as far as to steal her child!

She had only been slightly under twenty years old at that time.

Hillary resembled Jill a lot, but she and Tanya didn’t really look alike. Her temper and personality were also similar to Jill’s. This must be one of the reasons why Jill had preferred Hillary and disliked Tanya ever since they were kids, right?

With that in mind, Tanya sneered, “We won’t know until we reach the end.”

Hillary’s eyes flickered.

At this moment, Jill, who had entered a moment later than Hillary, spotted the two of them. She immediately charged over, stretched out her arm, and slapped Tanya across her cheek. “You little bitch! Who told you you could come back to the States? It’s all your fault that things have come to this point!”

Tanya took a step back.

She was no longer the little girl from the past who couldn’t fight back.

She sneered, “We’re at the court, Mrs. Jones. Please show some respect, or else I will sue you!”

Jill was furious. “Who are you calling Mrs. Jones? I am your mother!”

Tanya gave her a mocking smile. “Really? But didn’t you already tell me a long time ago that you’ve severed ties with me?”

She took out her cell phone and played an audio recording. It was from five years ago when she was pregnant overseas. It was hard for her to find a job at that time, so she had bitten the bullet and approached Jill to ask for a bit of money for living expenses.

Jill’s voice was very calm in the recording.

“$3,000? What are you thinking? I can buy a handbag with that money! Besides, you are already an adult, so I am not obligated to pay for your tuition fees. Think of a solution yourself! Didn’t you work part-time during college for your tuition fees? Didn’t you say that you will never use even a cent of my money when you were a kid? Heh…

I will take it that I have never had a daughter like you, while you have never had me

why Tanya had never been to the Joneses despite so much

remember those things I said so clearly. Never mind if you don’t want to bear the responsibility of supporting me in old age, because I have never once counted on you to do that, either! But how could you

Hillary. She couldn’t help but retort, “Who

simple one-liner made Hillary and Jill exchange a look. Jill then yelled angrily, “Does it matter who the one bullying the other is? You are the one who’s targeting the Joneses now! You’d best agree to settle in private while

one knew what gave her the confidence to say

“How do you intend to make


put his arm around Tanya’s shoulder, and looked at Jill. “Mrs. Jones, may I ask, what are you planning to

did the two of you get

don’t have to bother yourself with that, Mrs. Jones. I think the two of you should use this time to discuss the case with each other instead of glaring at and saying mean things to my

Jones strode over and grabbed both Jill and Hillary. He smiled and said to Joel, “Look

say any more. He dragged Tanya back

the two of them went in, Mr. Jones flew into a rage as he stared at Jill and Hillary. “Can the two of you stop creating so much trouble?! We are already about to go to court, so stop provoking them and making trouble

you know is to blame me whenever we run into trouble! They are obviously the ones in the wrong! You’re just afraid of Mr. Smith’s power, right? But you don’t have to

at Hillary’s words, and she also said impatiently to Mr. Jones, “Alright, that’s enough. Karl has already agreed to

at them angrily. “Karl will eventually leave. Once he leaves, the Smiths have a thousand and one

ignored him and even curled their

can just migrate to Switzerland. Karl has both power and authority

Mr. Jones: “!!”

at Jill and shouted angrily, “Migrate to Switzerland? The way I see it, it’s more like you and him are

he had said, Mr. Jones

Why do I have such a pushover of a father?! He doesn’t even

flickered the moment she said

Hillary and said,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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