Chapter 469 A Turn of Events!!


The car stopped at the entrance of the crematorium. Almost the moment the car stopped, Nora and Joel jumped out.

The guard was stunned. He went forward and asked, “Hey, what are you guys doing? You…”

Before he could finish speaking, Joel had already pushed him away. Nora turned sideways and slithered in. The security guard was a little surprised by the two of them. After being stunned for a moment, he chased after them. “Stop right there! This is not a place where you can just barge in!

Unfortunately, the two of them had already run toward the entrance of the crematorium!

At the entrance, a few cars were parked orderly. Elaine sat in the front passenger seat of the car and leisurely stared at the venue, which had already closed the door.

When she saw her, Nora rushed forward and stared at her. “Where’s the corpse?”

Elaine raised her eyebrows. “What corpse?”

Nora replied, “Hillary Jones’ corpse!”


Elaine smiled. “Why should I tell you where her body is? Who do you think you are?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Joel had already opened the door to the front passenger seat. Nora grabbed Elaine’s arm and pulled her out of the car.

The two moved like flowing water, stunning Elaine. When she came back to her senses, she was already standing in front of Joel and Nora! Nora grabbed her wrist tightly and asked, “Tell me, where is Hillary Jones’ corpse?”

Elaine tried her best to shake off her grip and said angrily, “Why should I tell you? Let go of me right now! Otherwise, you’ll be breaking the law!”

At this moment, the guard at the door rushed over and blocked their way. The guard asked, “What’s going on?”.

Elaine shouted, “Call for help immediately. Someone is breaking the law here!”

When the guard heard that, he hurriedly found a few people and surrounded Nora and Joel. Someone had already taken out a weapon and aimed it at them.

Joel took a deep breath. “I suspect that the cause of the deceased’s death has not been investigated clearly, so we need to stop the cremation immediately! Send the corpse out right now!”

As soon as she said this, those people looked at Elaine.

Elaine smiled. “Mr. Smith, what’s wrong? The Smith family is so powerful. Are you planning to tamper with the corpse? My colleagues and I have already determined the cause of death and signed it. Moreover, Ms. Tanya has already confessed! Why can’t you let Ms. Jones rest in peace? If you take her out halfway through the cremation… that’s impossible!”

Joel stared at her. “Are you guys stopping or not?”

and some people had even followed them

this group of people did not stop, he would cause a

Smiths were not easy

family planning to attack us? Let me tell you, everyone around here is my colleague. We’re not afraid of you


order to stop the cremation, her body would probably already be burnt to

making things difficult for them on purpose. Or rather, she wanted

head and played with her nails. She spoke first. “Mr. Smith, you’re just a wealthy man. No matter how powerful you are in the business industry, you’re just the husband of a criminal in my eyes! You want me to stop the cremation and I have to do as you say? Do you really think

me right now, I’m not changing my mind!” Joel’s expression turned cold as he looked at the burning

took out the documents Morris had given her from her pocket and handed them to Elaine. “The special department’s external forensic doctor, Nora Smith, requests


Everyone around fell silent.

her. She waved the documents in front of them and roared, “Special Case Departments! Priority is above all departments! I order you all to


around to

at Nora. “I need to determine the authenticity of this document.

said, “This… It can’t

explained slowly, “You can fake any certificate these days. I think this certificate might be fake! We still have to be careful when

staff could only nod. “Please let us

immediately. If the evidence is destroyed, would you bear the responsibility?! Don’t you know what’s important? Stop

staff looked at Elaine.

gaze suddenly landed behind Nora. She smirked. “Yes, I suddenly feel that what

ran to the switch of the device. Just as

He was stunned.

Nora in shock and said, “It’s

the room and pushed

handle a few

staff swallowed. “Number

of Number Five. There were only bones in front of her. The rest had

When he saw the

Look, I wasted some time and accidentally

as soon as


her in

angrily. “You

steps back after being punched. Her

Nora’s hand. She did not expect this woman in front of her, who

you have to beat up a colleague? This is illegal!” Almost as soon as she finished speaking, Nora punched her again, hitting her other

two punches, Elaine’s cheeks were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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