Chapter 479 Do You Have A Feud With Q?

The Smith Corporation’s situation actually wasn’t as good as how Joel had put it just now.

The physical industry was currently in decline in the States whereas new media networks were flourishing. The Smith Corporation had also opened a few companies doing online businesses.

All the servers were in the Smith Corporation. Once the servers went down, those in other places…

He had only just thought of that when someone hurried over and said, “Mr. Smith, our games’ players are all sending feedback that they can’t access the games. They are threatening to uninstall the apps!”

“Mr. Smith, the live-streamers on our live-streaming app are asking why they can’t access the app and what’s wrong with the servers!”

“Mr. Smith, we had to make a fund transfer for the big deal today, but now that there is no Internet, we can’t complete the transfer…”

All sorts of problems came one after another.

Joel got his subordinates to deal with them one by one, and then he entered his office.

It was already evening by then. The troubled Joel rubbed his temples and took out his cell phone. His finger was already on Nora’s number when his executive assistant pushed the door open and came in. “Mr. Smith, we are trending on social media!”


Joel was surprised.

a look at the trending topics

trending topics, such as #SmithCorporationServersBreakDown, #SmithCorporation GetsHacked, #XXMobileGameServerDown, and so on. They occupied the first few places among

money to make

Comments had already exploded:

the Smith Corporation’s network? Can we still trust

take cyber security

registered with the Smith Corporation

How can they still call themselves the second-best enterprise in the country when this

is too much! I finally took time off today to play games for a whole day, yet they are suddenly telling me that the server is down, so I can’t log in? What the hell? I’m

rumors flew all about

ongoings with their own Internet hotspots. All of them

starting to call up people for help. However, the moment IT experts heard

choice but to work overtime! But no matter

constantly online. Once they found a flaw and fixed it, Q would attack again.

Everyone panicked.

Smith, this is terrible! Our

executive assistant delivered another piece of bad news. All the trending topics about their server

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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