Chapter 483 A Fake Will Always Be A Fake

It seemed like Yvonne really wanted to show off her achievements, so she started to show them the trending topics on social media that day on the computer.

There were few new trending topics, such as #AllEmployeesOnLeaveInSmithCorporation, #SmithCorporation OffendsQTheHacker, #SmithCorporation StocksDropBy10%, and so on.

Some Smith Corporation employees had revealed that all the top-level executives were now waiting for orders in the CEO office on the top floor and that so far, everyone was at a loss as to how to counter Q.

As all the computers had crashed and couldn’t be switched on, the rest of the staff had all been given a day off. However, the employees didn’t feel any joy about that but were instead worried that they would wake up to the news of the Smith Corporation being declared bankrupt the next day, leading to them losing their jobs.

It was rumored that the young missy of the Smith Corporation had offended the top-class hacker Q. That was why they had brought Q’s revenge upon themselves. By right, a hacker shouldn’t have been able to influence the network of such a large company, but this was Q, the legendary existence. It was said that Q alone could breach a country’s cyber defenses!

The Smith Corporation was finished!

The Smith Corporation’s stocks had already fallen by 10%, and the network in the entire company had been down for over fifteen minutes. At present, investors were still observing the situation.

If they couldn’t restore the network within an hour, then it was possible that investors would get rid of the stocks they had on hand. When that happened, they might hit the lower limit!

The Internet analyzed all the terrible outcomes that the Smith Corporation might face.


Yvonne presented them one by one.

Fortunately, Joel had already given all the employees in the company a day off. Otherwise, the ordinary employees might break down if they saw the content.

However, even though the two inside the office were calm and composed, the people outside were already in a huge panic.

In order to prevent Yvonne from realizing that they had already taken control of the situation, Nora hadn’t taken back the control of the computers outside.

Thus, when Yvonne was showing the articles on the screen, the computers outside were also displaying the same thing.

and secretaries also looked

and yelled furiously, “It’s over! It’s

The executives looked worried.

just left the Smith Corporation and


was even afraid that Q might retaliate and take revenge on

He immediately took out his cell phone and sent

you! Don’t worry. Also, if you need me

that doing this wasn’t right, Speedy had no

worse came to worst, he could

if he offended Q, then he could forget about staying

sending Q a private message, he thought about it and

posted the

have offended Q. I have absolute respect for Q, so I hereby announce my withdrawal from the Smith Corporation. Also, thus far, no one has dared to contend with Q

he posted the tweet that his actions might offend the Smith Corporation, but when he saw

algorithm had also been hacked. All the negative news about the

that the other party was very strong

the critical moment

hold a grudge

Yvonne had displayed his

his tweet trended, someone had filled everyone in on who Speedy was. Everyone immediately lost even more hope in the Smith

my god, even Speedy has quit. Who

offended. I mean, look at the alphabet itself—they are the

the queen. At the same time, I’m also worried about the Smith Corporation. Just how

comments were Yvonne’s own

you at a crucial moment, Joel. What

be trusted except your own family! If you apologize to me and let me return

anything wrong back then. Dad didn’t die anyway. He’s currently resting healthy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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