Chapter 488 A Secret!

When Nora heard these words, she hurriedly pushed open the door and walked in.

Lily was pressing on Old Maddy’s arm. Ever since he was poisoned by Yvonne, his body had not been well, and his mind had not recovered.

His expression was still not good, and the burns on his body were terrifying.

Lily comforted him. “Boss is coming soon. Don’t be agitated…”

Old Maddy danced around and kept shouting, “I want to see Yvette’s daughter! Quickly call her to see me! It’ll be over if she’s late! I want to tell her a secret…”

Lily almost couldn’t control him anymore. At this moment, Nora entered the door. When she heard the door opening, Lily turned back to look at her and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

“You’re finally here!”

Lily stood up and said with resentment, “If you hadn’t come soon, Old Maddy would really have gone crazy this time!”

Nora ignored her nagging and walked straight to the bed. When he saw her face, Old Maddy calmed down.


His turbid eyes suddenly became clear. He looked at Nora quietly for a while before smiling. “You’re here.” “I’m here.”

Nora held his dry hand. His fingers were especially dry because they had been burned before, and his skin was very wrinkled.

She asked softly, “What’s the matter?”

Old Maddy looked at her and his eyes gradually calmed down. He smiled. “I want to tell you that you need to have a child!”

Nora: “?”

She was stunned. “What?”

“You need to have a child! Now, now! Hurry!” Old Maddy suddenly became anxious and pushed her out. “Do it now.”

His words were incoherent, making her even more confused.

However, Nora’s heart jumped a little. She seemed to have thought of something and asked, “Why?” “Why?”

Old Maddy was stunned. “Yes, why?”

He was pushing Nora’s hand, but he suddenly quietened down. He scratched his head hard. “Why? Why can’t I remember why? Why? Why? Why ?…”

reason. A few strands of hair had been plucked off by him from his

losing his mind and seemed to be getting more and more anxious. She hurriedly held his hand. “Old

why anymore. Instead, he held her hand. “Quickly go and have a child. Go!”

“You gave birth?”

Maddy was stunned. “It really

“It’s true.”

even two of

did not say the last sentence. She only stared at Old Maddy. When she saw that he seemed to have heard this, she heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he slowly closed her eyes. His emotions seemed

can’t remember. I’m old. I’m crazy… And I can’t think. My head hurts. My

yet. But if you remember anything

Old Maddy nodded. “I’ll

Nora walked

talking to you normally just now. But he’s so strange! Why did he want you to have a

head to indicate that she did not

good care of Old Maddy. When his physical fitness reaches a certain level,

knew about some things back then! Only by curing Old Maddy could

the hospital, Nora went to

to feed him fruits. As he ate, he said, “Don’t look at how I’m paralyzed on the bed now and can’t even lift a cup

good. It’s not a problem for me to fight ten people alone!

heard this, she stopped in

the door, she heard the nurse say, “Okay? How big is your heart? Do you know how serious your


“…I know.

won’t tell you anymore. You won’t understand even if I tell you. Anyway,

nurse asked, “Is


I’ll definitely beat her! Because she’s too lazy. She only knows how to sleep every day… If she doesn’t practice, she’ll only worsen! Why should I tell you about fighting? What I want to tell you is that with her around, I’ll definitely be able

eyes drooped slightly. It was as if there was suddenly a heavy burden on her

not expect Quentin to trust


did not enter and


to take a closer look when Ian heard her enter. He quickly switched off her phone and

smiled. “I’m quite good. I feel like I can

Nora nodded.

Ian looked at her.

Nora pursed her lips.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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