Chapter 517 Exposing Her Own Identity!

Blaine had arranged for the competition to be held in the grand hall.

His purpose in doing so was to provoke the students in the school. After all, these students had yet to become part of the working society, so they were some of the most passionate people around.

When Nora arrived at the school’s entrance, she could already see reporters heading to the grand hall.

She frowned slightly, not understanding why the school wasn’t doing anything about it. Right at this moment, she heard the reporters’ voices:

“Hah, even though we had strongly requested that the medical university suspend and investigate Anti, they rejected our request and are defending her very fiercely. On top of that, they even said that this isn’t a competition of skills but more like a debate instead, and have sincerely invited everyone from the medical profession to come over and watch! How are they so confident that they can clear Anti’s name?”

“Exactly. I’m also very confused. It’s as though the university has something they can use as leverage. I don’t believe they can really clear her name!”

The two of them entered the school while discussing the topic.

Nora, however, stood where she was and broke into a frown.

A moment later, her lips suddenly curled into a smile.


To be honest, foreign universities had also invited her to become a professor or take on similar positions in their schools before, but she had rejected them all. She had only become an external professor at the medical university because of Shaw.

She didn’t have any feelings for the New York University of Medicine.

After all, the school was ridden with all sorts of issues, such as the postgraduate entrance examination the other time, as well as Michael Lange…

However, in this instant, she suddenly felt like the school was actually very cute and lovable.

Their level of magnanimity alone already put the New York University of Medicine way above the foreign universities!

The thought of all the messages criticizing alternative medicine on foreign websites made Nora narrow her eyes. She strode toward the auditorium.

She came relatively late. By then, the people in the auditorium were already split into three different factions.

One faction was made up of firm supporters of modern medicine. Blaine was their leader.

Another faction was made up of supporters of alternative medicine. Jon and Elaine were their leaders. Some students of alternative medicine in the school were also part of the group.

The last faction was made up of people remaining neutral. Dean Shaw was the leader. Michael and Lisa, as well as Sheril who was concerned for Nora, were all standing there.

Blaine and Jon were currently lashing out at each other while throwing medical terms around. Blaine even cited a few patient case studies as a challenge for Jon.

other side to treat, but the plan was rejected. After all, it was


other, and their

a concluding speech. He said, “Whether it is alternative medicine or modern medicine, both are meant for the patients’ well-being. We should not be promoting one and belittling the other! Therefore, there is no meaning to the debate today at all! Mr. Myers, you’re an old-timer in the field of alternative medicine. I only

Shaw’s words made

with fertility problems have CT scans done, most of the time it doesn’t show any problems. Can you help them

Blaine also choked.

be arguing about this. Alternative and modern medicine complement and supplement each other. The

debates, and over the course of the debate, everyone present had all gained an understanding of the subjects to some extent.

modern and

Shaw had handled the problem in a rather comprehensive and

but the person who caused this dispute is Anti, your school’s external professor! If she hadn’t made such an arrogant and ignorant claim that modern medicine is superior

but just because of one sentence she said, everyone has come here to

medicine circle in a moment of pique. Now that I think about it, I feel so

still young, so it’s understandable that you would get ahead of yourself. However, we

what he said.

be honest, punishing Anti would serve as giving everyone and every industry a proper

stood in the crowd and folded her

Dean Shaw waved and said, “Now that things have come to this, I shall just tell everyone the truth! To be honest, I was the one who told

ideas about the subject. I have always wanted to hold a debate like this and have everyone come forward to discuss the subject!

of them were pressing the issue any further, she couldn’t

solution. It seemed

well. This way, those old stick-in-the-muds in the alternative medicine circle wouldn’t come to her anymore. They were simply too

had only just formed when a voice rang out from among the students. “Dean Shaw, in order to protect that external professor,

looked over sharply, but before she could catch sight of the person talking, an audio recording suddenly

this point, it’s kind of meaningless even if Anti clarifies that she didn’t say anything like that. Why don’t we take the opportunity

was Dean Shaw’s

rang out. “Shaw, it’s gonna be

of the school, as well as for Anti, this

the whole

whole place

at Dean Shaw and everyone started shouting. “You

with a bad character stay, you people sure are doing

the best medical university in the country,

all the students’ anger at being deceived. Be it the modern medicine students or the alternative


being in the same school as a

started becoming worked up, Lisa and Sheril couldn’t help but shout, “Anti really didn’t say anything like that! All of this is because

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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