Chapter 533 Jill’s True Colors!

Nora stared at the screen for a while before she suddenly realized something. Well, that made sense. Out of the few known hackers in the world, who else besides Y could compete with her for a few rounds? Justin hadn’t showed up the whole day even after learning what happened to Karl. As it turned out, he had the same suspicions as her, so he was also hacking into the system in the middle of the night?

The corners of Nora’s lips spasmed.

Just because Justin hacked into the system first, she had thought that he was someone from the other side.

The corners of her lips spasmed again. Her phone rang at this point and then Justin’s low and deep voice came from the other side. “Are you planning to make me take the rap again?”

Nora thought back to when the two of them had first met. Every time she did something with one of her identities, upon being discovered, everyone would think that it was Justin who had helped her. She didn’t want to reveal her identity at that time, so she hadn’t refuted it.

However, the two of them weren’t familiar with each other yet at that time. She had even felt a little embarrassed having him take the blame.

As for now… Had she already become so used to it?

Nora coughed and changed the subject. “What did you find?”

Justin, who had sensed her intentions, let out a low chuckle. His laugh reached her ear through the phone, making her feel as if she was about to have an eargasm.


Justin slowly said, “I discovered that there isn’t any information about Karl in the system!”

A surprised Nora subconsciously replied, “Something’s off.”

As she spoke, Justin stopped obstructing her and Nora entered the system too.

When Karl went to Switzerland more than twenty years ago, he had actually sneaked into the country illegally. Therefore, there definitely wouldn’t be any record of him purchasing air tickets or leaving the country.

However, before he entered the country illegally, Karl had been a gangster in New York. At that time, when he was dating Tanya’s mother, he had committed a crime and ended up being arrested. That was why he had broken off contact with Tanya’s mother.

So, how could he not have any criminal record in the police station?

The fact that there wasn’t anything was, in fact, the biggest problem of all!

Justin said, “I’ve already checked for more than three hours. He indeed doesn’t have any criminal record.” Nora took a deep breath. “I see.” She exited the system.

There were only two possible reasons for Karl’s lack of criminal record in the system. The first was that Karl himself had engaged a hacker to infiltrate the system and delete his records after he made a name for himself.

After all, he was part of the Assassin Alliance abroad. The less others knew about him, the better it was.

Of course, there was also the second possibility

– his records had been transferred away, so they weren’t on the Internet.

had they been transferred

what Nora had to

to the phone, “I’m

special department to interrogate

she said that, Justin quickly

was a bit of resentment in his voice.

already denying doing anything with me when you haven’t even pulled your pants


a little red. What kind of nonsense was

Elsewhere at the Hunts’.

empty-handed. However, the computer made the corners of his lips curl

shook his head

he lay down, he

couldn’t tell if it was because he had talked about pulling up one’s pants with Nora, but he

the dream, it seemed like someone had drugged him and knocked him out, it was six years

fat and very soft… In his daze, he seemed to have seen a


open and

a thing about how he had been drugged and knocked out, or how his sperm had been retrieved six years ago. Throughout all these years, that was

from the previous night

Looking back at it now, it

The next day.

head to the special department to ask Karl what exactly was going on with his criminal record. However, the moment she went downstairs, she instead saw people coming and going in the

sofa and looking at these people

busy greeting

to ask if the wedding would still be held. When they heard that it would be, they

make a note of the gifts and their senders, so that Tanya could return

troublesome the situation

a wedding anymore. How boring must it be to just sit and wait on the sofa? If she had that much

in the States anyway. It was different for Tanya, who grew up in New York, after all… With that in mind, Nora went down the stairs and up to Tanya. She said teasingly, “To think you said that you didn’t have any friends. Does this look like you

Nora: “?”

people even said that they danced with me when we were

Nora instantly understood.

ingratiate themselves with the Smiths in the name of being good

corners of

“Ms. Nora, Mdm. Tanya, this is terrible! Mrs. Jones is here again! She’s

and Tanya looked at each

butler sighed. “We do want to drive her away, but with so many people coming and going today, it won’t reflect well on us if people were to notice.

Nora sneered.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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