Chapter 572 I’m Black Cat

Ruth’s smile was very pure and innocent, making everyone around them unable to keep watching what was happening.

One by one, all of them started to persuade Brenda.

“Captain Brenda, this is work. Why don’t you just cooperate with her? Besides, Ruth’s questionnaire is not hard to answer!”

“Yeah, just cooperate with her! I don’t know what the content of your questionnaire is like, but mine was very simple. Revealing a bit of privacy isn’t much of an issue. Ms. Yale will keep things confidential! The confidentiality agreement we signed is mutual!”

The confidentiality agreements they had signed were all mutual.

In other words, while they were not allowed to reveal to outsiders the content of the questionnaires, Ruth was also forbidden from revealing to others their answers.

Otherwise, it would be a breach of contract.

“Captain Brenda, isn’t Black Cat your idol? Going by what Ruth said, as long as you submit the questionnaire, she will let you meet Black Cat!”

“Yeah, this is such a golden opportunity, Captain Brenda! If Nathan got the chance to meet Black Cat, I’d definitely die of jealousy. But if it’s you, then I definitely won’t be jealous!”


They felt that Brenda was making a mountain out of a molehill. The questionnaire was a psychological one. In other words, it analyzed a person’s psyche by using various small details of their lifestyle. Therefore, the questions would undoubtedly be more lifestyle-oriented.

There was no need to be so serious.

Ruth maintained her innocent girl-next-door image and said, “Yeah, it’s because I heard from Captain Johnson and Captain Ford that you would like to meet Black Cat that I especially kept a place for you. Do you really not want it?”


practically forcing those three words through gritted

Ruth sighed and said, “Alright, that’s a real

“Everyone was very cooperative with the questionnaire. Unfortunately, Black Cat doesn’t like meeting people, so I can only take two people with me to say hi to him! I’ll be talking to Black Cat in a video conference later. The people whose names I

huge uproar went through the

and remarked resentfully, “What

I’m so envious! To think they can have a

Damon, you have to treat

you have

me the chance to meet Black

Brenda: “…”

they jokingly called Ernie shameless, stingy, and so on. Then, they happily sent Ernie to the conference room. Seeing Damon and Ernie being escorted by

Ms. Hunt is really going to such great lengths for your sake! She has even given up such a great opportunity.

Nora: “?”

Brenda had refused to submit the

Ruth’s questions to Brenda were all related

think too much into it, Nora. Besides, even if I do submit the questionnaire, Ruth would still refuse to give me a place anyway. We all know

curled her lips disdainfully. “I’ve already gone so far as to say it in front of so many people. If you

goes back to the same

was being, Ruth took a deep breath and raised her head. “In that case, I’m very sorry, but I have to

she walked past

two hoots about it, Brenda kept looking at the conference room. She could

a look of

really wanted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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