Chapter 575 Slap In The Face!

Ruth had always been proud of her academic qualifications. After all, there were very few highly-educated people with Master’s degrees like her. People like them were considered scarce talents.

That was why she had suddenly put Nora down with academic qualifications when she spotted her right after they came out of the conference room.

Because it seemed that apart from her academic qualifications, there was nothing about her that could compare with Nora!

However, she was currently staring at Nora’s personal information on the screen in astonishment. It clearly read:

Education: Doctorate

All education after a Bachelor’s graduation was postgraduate, so postgraduate degrees were the highest level of degree that one could achieve.

In that respect, Nora’s academic qualifications were the same as Ruth’s.

However, Ruth’s was a Master’s degree whereas Nora’s was:

Degree: PhD


Ph.D…. This was the highest level of degree achievable! Was there anything beyond that? Of course there was! There were postdocs and academicians, but those were just occupational titles.

In addition, there were many people who couldn’t become postdoctoral researchers or academicians even after spending all of their lives trying

Yet it was stated in Nora’s file that she was an academician at an international medical university when she was living abroad.

It was to the extent that Ruth was even wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

Did 25-year-old academicians even exist?!

She rubbed her eyes and looked over againonly to see that the word “academician” was still clearly stated there. In addition, there were also corresponding certificates proving that all of this was real.

Johnson was dumbfounded.

Ruth also shut up.

Only Damon, the insensitive fellow, was silly enough to say, “Oh my god, I finally understand why Captain Ford said that we would just be humiliating ourselves if we compare our academic qualifications with Ms. Smith’s! B-but what’s going on here, though? Didn’t they say that Ms. Smith has never been to school? Yet she’s actually an academician?!”

Someone nearby swallowed audibly and said, “An academician…! I’ve actually seen a living, breathing academician! No wonder Ms. Smith is so cocky! If my academic qualifications were like hers, I would be even cockier than her, alright? She’s so cool!”

“Where did Captain Ford find someone as talented as her? Her working ability aside, just her academic qualifications alone are already the first of its kind in the special department! Ms. Smith makes us so proud!”

No matter in what industry and no matter who it was, one would always possess the most basic level of awe in the face of knowledge. People who managed to enter prestigious universities were already very impressive, and geniuses-even if they were down and outwould never be ridiculed, either.

Furthermore, given Nora’s academic qualifications and certificates… one couldn’t even call her a mere genius anymore, right?!

“I’m actually working with an academician every day! Gosh, I suddenly feel so honored.”

“Me too… I feel like I’m about to float… Captain Ford is so awesome. To think he could actually get such a talent to join the special department…”

talking about it, Johnson hurriedly turned off his cell phone. He felt like

Morris had recruited Nora.

had been trying to use the reason that Ruth was better than Nora to weaken Morris’ momentum, but little did he think that he would

looked at the group of subordinates here. It was obvious

totally shot

her fists

that Black Cat had brought her just

mentioned anything about academic qualifications, everyone would probably still be gathered all around her and dying to know more about Black Cat’s proposal.

asked, “Would you guys like to take a look at the proposal that

I’ll just wait until you’re done translating it… Speaking of academicians, though! It’s really hard to become one. But considering how Nora is Anti, the

puzzled co-worker asked, “Are academicians very

lip corners couldn’t help b He gave him a crash course and said, “The United States has a population of over 300 million people, but there are only over a thousand academicians in the country! In addition, you have to make major contributions in

no, I feel like even the uttering her name is a form of insult towards her. What kind of contribution has Professor

had gathered and were discussing the matter in

a medical team! People who can crack the case and catch all the members of the mysterious organization are the

no one was

Johnson: “…”

Captain Johnson,” said

looked at Ruth bitterly and said, “It’s all your fault. You’ve

and sighed. “I didn’t expect this to happen, either. But don’t worry, Captain Ford has already said it himself just now. Having high academic qualifications is nothing impressive. As long as my proposal allows us to find important clues through

suddenly lowered his voice and asked, “Is

was a master interrogator and whatnot, but to be

and replied, “Just wait for the good news

when he

fury from

the special department a big gift

drove home in the

way home, she couldn’t help but


and leaned her other arm on the window. Her head

and Johnson sure were becoming

to the extent that she wanted the two


when the two of them

painless tricks like those were simply too

thinking about it, she returned to the

house, Maureen came running out in tears. She was taken aback for a moment. Before she could even ask what had happened, Warren rushed over.

however, refused to listen and left at

chased after her and went past Nora. It was as though

Nora: “…”

couple was quarreling

corners of her lips spasmed and she ignored them. Instead, she went up the stairs. As soon as she reached the door, she saw Joel staring at her. He said, “Mr. Hunt came over

Nora raised her brows.

Joel’s term of address

was a little more

and then?” She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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