Chapter 587 Johnson Takes Action!

Johnson had always been someone who could keep himself calm.

From the start to the end, he had never believed that someone who had taken a bullet through the temples could survive.

That was why he had not done anything all this time. Neither would he leave behind any potential blackmail material for Nora.

However, things were starting to develop more and more bizarrely.

Even the inspection unit’s forensic doctor was saying that Terry had a chance of regaining consciousness?

However, he mustn’t panic.

Regaining consciousness did not mean that he would remember the past! Surely there was no way newly-grown brain cells would retain past memories, right?

He couldn’t help asking, “Would he remember what had happened in the past?”

The forensic doctor replied, “One’s memories are stored in the central nervous system. As long as the nerves are not destroyed, the memories could be retained. It all still depends on Terry’s condition after he wakes up!”

dumbfounded when he

forensic doctor went back into the ward and continued to observe

he suddenly turned and headed outside. When he was about to go down the stairs, he saw Lily supporting Quentin

been limp all over, could already walk a great distance

was even giving him compliments. She said, “Nice! Your recovery

feel my body repairing itself bit by bit every day. I can feel the bones growing, it’s as if something is bubbling inside me… It’s amazing! I’d always known that Nora’s medical skills were amazing, but I didn’t expect them to

“I finally understand why people are chasing after the gene

as he listened to their

hospital and started smoking, his emotions becoming more

tossed it into the trash can. Only then did he

him. They looked at him and

had clearly become a lot more enthusiastic than before, all just because Morris hadn’t immediately taken revenge for Janson

you are also aware that Captain Ford’s way of doing things is too non-compliant with the rules. Sigh! Alright, let’s just free Mark for now! Also, you all shouldn’t be gathering here. Go and do what you’re supposed to be doing!”

had already entered his office. He took out another cigarette and started to smoke. He was still waiting-waiting for further news from the hospital about Terry’s condition. Brain damage could lead to many different scenarios. He couldn’t take

time, it gradually turned

suddenly pushed open the door to Johnson’s office. An excited Mark rushed in and said, “Johnson,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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