Chapter 774 She Can’t Wait Anymore!

Nora couldn’t wait anymore.

Perhaps it wasn’t the V16 but clues to it in the safe deposit box, but there were only two months and twenty days left until Xander had to take the V16.

Every passing day was torture for her. This was especially true when she saw the terrible atmosphere at home upon returning from California earlier in the afternoon. Cherry was not playing games, neither was Pete working on his Mathematical Olympiad. Instead, both of them were circling around Xander.

Cherry had taken out all her favorite Barbie dolls and princess dresses and wanted to give them to him.

Xander hadn’t taken them.

As for Pete, he also hinted that he could give him all the Mathematical Olympiad worksheets he had bought.

Xander hadn’t taken those either.

The little fellow slumped on the sofa and waved as he said, “I don’t like your stuff! I only like animals!”

When Cherry heard this, she immediately suggested, “I have an uncle who also loves animals a lot. He has a lot of stray cats and dogs. Why don’t we get Uncle Louis to send us a few?!”

But Xander had waved and said, “No, I don’t want them. Those animals are your uncle’s friends, not mine.”

Cherry corrected him. “Xander, he’s also your uncle. He is very generous. Besides, he also needs money to feed that many cats and dogs, but he doesn’t have any. He will definitely thank us if we help him raise a few!”

Pete also nodded and said, “Yes, he also has a dog whose coat has a mix of colors.”

As soon as he said that, Xander replied, “So what? Even if he does, it’s still not Rainbow.”

Rainbow was Dog No. 3. As its coat was a mix of different colors, Xander had named it Rainbow. The name was too cliché, and even Rainbow itself disliked it. However, that was what Xander called it, so it had no other choice.

Rainbow was also the healthiest among the dogs there.

However, just this morning, Rainbow lay down on the floor and never woke up again.

Xander, who had become accustomed to death and parting, had dug a hole in the garden together with Cherry and Pete and buried Rainbow there.

There were now several more mounds in the garden, all of which contained Xander’s friends.

the garden, their hearts

looked at each other, neither of them daring to continue. Cherry changed the subject and said, “Xander, have you decided

would be changing

Xander couldn’t keep using Yale as his

thinking about it, Xander waved and said,

you take Smith as your last name

take Hunt as their last name, of course. It’s better to have the same last name

wouldn’t he end up competing with you over family assets? Let’s have Xander take Smith

Xander both looked at

“I have

Pete: “?”

Xander: “??”

tilted her head and said, “Grandaunt doesn’t have any children, so she has always said that everything she has is mine.

she came to celebrate Cherry’s birthday the other time. She had stayed with Cherry and played with her for three

all the uncertainty and turmoil regarding Herman

Cherry had been reluctant to part when she had

her grandaunt, Cherry tilted her head and said,

had been listless the whole

over, and she played with them for a while—Xander was still not very

it seemed like the little boy had learned to hide his emotions from an early age,

having dinner with the children, Nora sent them back to their room

three little fellows were still very young. Coupled with the fact that she was around that night, they had all clamored to sleep with her. Thus, all of them


looked at

Nora patted his head.

of that, he even knew to be mindful of other people’s emotions. He was so sensible that

contrary, it was Xander the little devil who couldn’t fall asleep. It was only after Nora lit the calming incense she had developed that Pete and Xander

check on Justin and see what he was

as she moved, she heard Xander shouting in his sleep, “Mommy, save me! Rainbow, I don’t wanna

it cold in

it hurt

you still feel anything after

was frozen

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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