Chapter 782 King!!!


The moment Nora walked in, the entire conference room fell silent.

Howard rubbed his eyes in confusion as if he had seen wrongly. The smile on his face froze.

The servant at home had just said that Nora came out of the house 20 minutes ago. How could she have arrived so quickly? Did she fly over?

When he was stunned, Third Uncle said, “Nora, you’re here! I knew it. How could you have forgotten such an important meeting?! You must have left long ago!”

With that, he said in a low voice, “However, Howard said that you just left the house. I wonder which servant told him that. This isn’t good. You’ve left an impression on us directors that you’re lazy!”

Howard knew that he had lost this round.

However, his expression did not change. The smile on his face returned to life as he said, “Yes, yes. I must have made a mistake there! Fortunately, you’ve arrived. Otherwise, these uncles would have waited for you for an hour! Nora, did you sleep till late this morning? Even if there was a traffic jam, you shouldn’t be half an hour late, right?”

Although Nora arrived within half an hour, it could not change the fact that she was late.

Nora narrowed her eyes slightly. She did not explain and walked straight to the host chair. After sitting down, she said calmly, “I’m sorry I’m late.”

These short words inexplicably gave people a sense of security and calmness.

The other shareholders looked at her. At this moment, everyone suddenly had a little confidence in the company’s future.

At least this woman could really control the situation. In such a tense atmosphere, she could handle the problem easily. It seemed like she had some skills.

Howard’s heavy fists hit cotton and he instantly felt that it was meaningless.

If he continued to talk about her being late, it would make him look very petty. Therefore, Howard smiled and said, “Nora, it’s okay. We’re family. Let’s start the meeting, okay?”

was really petty. Nora complained

respective projects to her so that she could understand the business

multitasking. As she listened, she looked at her special assistant, Mr. Livingstone, who was standing beside her. This was a child from the distant family of Mrs. Hunt. He had already served Mrs.

had a good reputation in the industry. This was also the person Mrs. Hunt had worked hard to invite to help Nora run Hunt

she was coming to the meeting today. After all, as the special assistant, he was responsible for these small

matters. Even if Justin was here, he could not possibly

repeatedly yesterday to get him to help her no matter what. He had

this Mr. Livingstone

her that she should leave for the

this and turned

do you think we should do with this case? Should we continue

she was thinking, the first person finished

stood behind Nora, looking handsome as a special

his words, everyone

for show. Had she found a professional manager to act for

that was

Hunt Corporation

this. Next, they faced Nora one by one but actually

enough. They could continue according to his instructions and things he

mouth to handle the matter and

was his new

Hunt called him over to help, he had thought that he was going to be

Mr. Livingstone was unwilling.

who had double degrees, but he now had to listen to

he deliberately did not inform Nora to come for the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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