As soon as Nora spoke, Ian and Joel looked at each other. Joel was about to reply when a young and tender voice piped up. “Is there any for Cherry?”

The three children entered one after another, all of them looking at Ian and Joel eagerly.

Ian: “…”

Joel: “…”

There was only one account in the family, but there were three of them. How were they going to split it?

Joel didn’t think that much, though. He was about to speak when Ian coughed and said, “Of course there is. I was saying that I plan to give your mother a villa. If you want one, then you kids can have one each!” In front of the children, Ian didn’t want to seem like he didn’t have enough to spare, so he decided to have a private chat with Nora alone later instead. He wasn’t going to tell the children about the account.

Besides, if possible, Ian wanted Nora to eventually give Pete the account.

It wasn’t that he was partial to Pete-his personal favorite was most definitely Cherry. After all, he was still watching her live-streams every day!

He was the number one patron of Cherry’s live-streams!

However, he didn’t want Cherry to be a businesswoman. It was too tiring. As a girl, she should just relax and make money without doing anything. It would do as long as she was happy.

Hard and tiring tasks like running a business should just be left to Pete. After all, Pete was brought up by Justin, so he definitely had the talent to do business.

As for Xander… Ian didn’t have much of an impression of him yet, so he didn’t know what he liked or disliked, or what he was good at. They still had a lot of years to come, though, so he would just wait and see.

When Ian interrupted Joel, after a moment’s thought, the young man immediately understood that Ian didn’t want his image of an almighty grandfather to be ruined in front of the children, so he simply changed the subject altogether. He said, “You’re finally here, Nora. Why don’t you spend some time chatting with Dad? I’ll go to the kitchen and make you guys my signature beef steak. Nora, how do you like your steak?”

Nora was silent for a moment before she said, “I prefer Hamburgs.”

I’ll make you Salisbury

Joel really went

at him from the back. When she thought of what Celine told her

bout of flattery. She said, “Grandpa, why do you look

He couldn’t stand Cherry being a bootlicker at all, so he said dryly, “Why don’t you just call him


she absolutely must not make Mommy look old just to make

Xander: “?”

but hold his forehead, feeling like his sister

need to look as young as your father, either. I’m alright with just being the youngest-looking grandfather! My little Cherry is so adorable, she will definitely be the

a lot like Mommy. Since Mommy is so pretty,

who had never participated in their chat but

That little bootlicker.

Then, she got up

slicing the beef. When he saw her, he smiled at her. In those usually-smiley eyes behind the glasses was a

Nora said, “Joel…”

happen to have something that I wanted to apologize to

How much damage did she do? I’ll compensate you for it. Has Mindy’s mistake reached the point of no return, though? If it hasn’t, then on my account, can you

was a little

and indirectly warn Joel about his subordinatesafter all, since the day she had first met him, there had always been a sense of distance

his thoughts so deeply hidden that sometimes

so direct and straightforward with

rendered her speechless for a while. This wasn’t quite what she had been

felt as if Joel had been hiding behind a plastic film the whole time, but he had now stepped out and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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