Bang! Bang! Bang! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The sound of gunfire and footsteps rushed all the way up. Brenda showed up below them, only a flight of stairs away.

After Nora got the V16, she quickly backed away…

As for Barbarian, who had killed so many people, even if he was reduced to pulp by Brenda and company’s firepower, it had nothing to do with Nora.

Nora wasn’t going to be a saint and think of Barbarian as a pitiful soul who had been forced into this.

It might be true that he had become what he was today because he had been used as an experimental subject when he was a child, but no matter the reason, it was no excuse for him to take other people’s lives at will!

Therefore, after Nora got the black box, she immediately stepped back to put distance between herself and Barbarian. However, it was right at this moment that Barbarian moved!

This didn’t make sense though, because Nora had been planning for today for a long time. The silver needle might seem tiny but the amount of tranquilizer on it was absolutely capable of knocking out even an elephant!

However, Barbarian hadn’t been knocked out.

All of that just now was just an act. No… Perhaps he had indeed been paralyzed for an instant-or perhaps he had been paralyzed all the way until this moment—but regardless, just as Brenda rushed up and Nora took the V16 from him, Barbarian attacked!

His pistol had dropped onto the floor because of the paralysis.

Without a gun, he lunged at Nora’s wrist at lightning-fast speed and sneered. “As it happens, I don’t have a hostage with me at the moment!”

In other words, he was going to take Nora hostage!

This way, even if Brenda and the others rushed up there, they could no longer bombard him with firepower.

Barbarian moved very quickly. Moreover, having successfully paralyzed him just now, anyone would be caught off-guard, no matter who they were. Once he succeeded, the V16 would still be his, and on top of that, he would even gain a hostage to save his life with!

Barbarian had it all planned out but all he grabbed was air.

Nora, who should have been nearby, was already two steps away from him at this moment, which happened to be just enough for her to escape his clutches!

Nora couldn’t beat Barbarian in a fight.

She had known that a long time ago. In fact, when she was in the States, she had even suffered at his hands because of it. Even when she and Justin had joined forces, they were still no match for Barbarian.


Even if she had already prepared the needle and the tranquilizer, Nora would never make the mistake of underestimating the enemy again.

was really paralyzed or just pretending, Nora was ready to flee

so, despite having prepared for it in advance, Barbarian had nearly caught

Nora was greatly alarmed.

and the others couldn’t catch Barbarian even after so many years. That

Barbarian’s movements a little, she would still have been caught! It didn’t

simply too lucky to even have gotten away by

she fled up the stairs

run wild anymore-because Barbarian was already chasing after her


ran up with all her might. Once she reached the top floor where the field of vision was wide, she would only need to persevere for a minute… no, in just ten seconds or so,

she was still a little uneasy because Barbarian’s movements were simply too fast. The man had climbed more than 50 floors without

two kept running with three

all. Just as she was about to sprint over to

“This way!”

on the

took, Barbarian caught up with Nora and threw a punch at the back of her

up the last two floors, the tranquilizer in Barbarian’s body seemed to have dissipated. He had overcome it

face of Barbarian, strength

never been

head but her body seemed locked in place. Just when she could no

toward her from


which sent

She only did a tuck-and-roll and put some distance between herself and Barbarian. Then she looked at the

thought that Justin had

it had been a long time since that scumbag last appeared. On top

be nearby and constantly

when she took a good look, the man who couldn’t get back up anymore after Barbarian knocked him to the ground with a punch was

“It’s you?”

also clearly taken aback,

floor, spat

cancer, didn’t have long to live, in the first place. The punch seemed to have hit his lungs, causing him to cough violently. Nevertheless, he still tried his best to speak. “Barbarian… cough… Long time… cough…

“To hell with repenting!”

seemed a little bemused. “You and I are in the same boat. You should be hating people like them who didn’t take

also in the same boat as us. Her mother had experimented on her too!” “How is it

was furious. “The injection her mother gave her was safe. It’s a gene serum with an antidote, she’s fine! But how

again. He said, “But she’s only after the V16 to save her son, he has also been used as an experimental subject. Isn’t

at Caleb. “How can that make up for those 1,000 children

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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