Harvard University: ‘Well, did you take the college entrance examination this year? And did you get a score of 1598? :)’


They had also added a smiley face at the end.


Their reply was overflowing with counter-mockery!



As soon as they replied, all of Club JQ went into an uproar!


The member who had mocked Cheryl in his comment widened his eyes, somewhat confused. “What is Harvard University talking about? Why would I take the college entrance examinations this year? A score of 1598? Are they trying to be funny or what?”


But as soon as he spoke, he saw the looks in his teammates’ eyes change.


After the momentary surprise, the guy finally understood something. “N-no way? You must be kidding, right?”


Likewise, all the netizens also went into an uproar.


Everyone pressed Harvard University for more details.


‘A score of 1598? You mean to say that Cheryl Smith achieved a score of 1598 in the college entrance examinations?’


‘What the actual f*ck? Am I dreaming? On top of the guy who got a perfect score five years ago, a new mutant has emerged now?’


‘No wonder she said that she’s trying to decide between the two schools! With those results, she must be the top scorer this year. It’s obvious that she can decide freely between the two schools! She can even take her pick from among all the majors available!’


The news didn’t just excite the netizens. The fans of Club HS, who hadn’t dared to say anything just now, instantly became elated.


One by one, they swarmed into Club JQ’s Facebook page and attacked them furiously.


‘Hmm, didn’t someone just say that they wanted Harvard University to recruit them via special admissions? How shameless. Did he become full of himself just because he is a professional e-sports player? Or does he think the whole world has to pander to him or what?’


‘Wanna hear a joke? Jimy has the highest academic qualifications among the female professional e-sports players.’


‘Oh my, I’m sorry but the two players with the highest academic qualifications are both in our favorite, Club HS now. As for who they are, I’m sure that nobody needs further elaboration about Zac, while the other is the cutie Cheryl!’





Upon seeing the sarcastic comments, an awful look came over Jimy’s countenance.


She bit her lip.


Her teammates were also incensed. “What’s the big deal about having better grades? What are they being so cocky for?”


However, someone said sheepishly, “Weren’t we the ones who started this…?”


Everyone: “?”


Was this fellow unable to read the room or what?!


to take it lying down


said, “Aren’t we e-sports


rest instantly understood what


Who exactly is Cheryl Smith? Club HS’ recruitment of her is rather



for sure. Have you forgotten that the person currently playing as support in their team was initially a gunner? It’s not


support class player in the local server! There’s no way she can outclass Jimy when it comes to being a


had mocked just now couldn’t stop himself from


it was just a joke. I didn’t expect Ms. Smith’s score to be so good. But since she has spent all her time studying, I wonder how good she is at


sentence, he


Jimy couldn’t resist joining in and posting a comment this


be a support


comment, Club JQ fans seemingly found a direction to go in again, and they tried to reverse online public


In Club HS.


can’t stop flaming others the moment they


the corners of her lips curled







women in e-sports. However, biological differences were such that men’s reflexes were




were also cases where women would


prowess anymore. He smiled and said, “Let them say whatever they


decision, they were ultimately still apprehensive about having


was worried that Cheryl would have


not bothered about their comments. We’ll see who has the last laugh once the


a lollipop that she had removed the wrapper of at


way she looked so sweet and cute


help but be horrified at himself. She was only 15 years old! She was still


and turned around, whereupon he


head coach


the PR department stared blankly at the


public opinion battle when they hadn’t even done


this? I know you took part in




couldn’t make


was thinking that Lionel had finally smartened up for once, but as it turned out, he


lips spasmed and he said, “Cheryl scored 1598


shock, Zac said to Cheryl, “You can head




in her mouth, Cheryl went upstairs. Along the way, text message


had candy, right? Don’t forget


to the Internet. I’ll


smiled at the messages, but right after she did, she saw a message from Justin that


out tomorrow,


Cheryl: “!”


corners of her lips


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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