Lionel subconsciously stepped on the brakes.


But when the car stopped, he looked out to find that they hadn’t left the neighborhood at all.


Confused, he asked, “What’s going on? There isn’t any house here except for Villa No. 9…”



But when he uttered that, his words trailed off in astonishment.


The rest of the team was also stunned.


Zac stared at Villa No. 9, his lips curling up into a near-imperceptible arc.


Oh my, the kiddo’s family is pretty well-off, isn’t it?


A villa in the neighborhood cost more than $7.5 million. On top of that, Villa No. 9 was situated by the lake and was slightly larger than Villa No. 8, so it was worth almost $15 million!


When they first moved in, Lionel had passed by the villa on an evening run once and remarked enviously, “I wonder who the owner of Villa No. 9 is. The scenery here is even better than ours, and it also seems a bit bigger. Damn the rich, why do they get to enjoy life so much?”


But now!


He seemed to have found out who the owners of this villa were.


Zac coughed.


Lionel also swallowed and asked incredulously, “G-God C, sure… surely you don’t mean to say that Villa No. 9 is the ‘house’ you were referring to, right?”


Cheryl nodded. “Yup!”




Lionel felt like crying. Come on, no acting cute in the club, alright?! Who would have thought that an adorable girl like her would turn out to be a little money bag in disguise?!


He was this close to shedding tears of envy. He said, “A-are you living here alone, God C? How lonely would it be if you don’t have anyone cooking for you, right? Do you want us to come over and accompany you…?”



As soon as he spoke, though, the door to the villa opened and a full-time butler stepped out. Dressed in a suit, he looked at the car with a smile and quickly walked over. He made Zac step aside and then opened the door for Cheryl.


Only then did Cheryl get out of the car.


“Ms. Cheryl, the villa is ready. This way, please.”


M… Ms. Cheryl?!


What the heck was this?


Also, the butler looked awfully professional!


The group was stunned.


They had met rich people—for example, Zac—before… Lionel and the others had even visited his home. Only manors like the Stannards’ home would need a butler, come on!


So, was God C’s family as rich as Zac’s?!


aback—because he recognized the


the top five in the


the butler, had told them that he was



he think that it would


exactly was


who was exposed to the wealthy and dignitaries,




of the


the Smiths only had one fifteen-year-old girl in the family, and she was currently in her second year of high school. The girl


Cheryl was also a beauty, but she was no “shy and gentle”


the butler picked up Cheryl’s suitcase and politely invited Lionel and the others into the


currently occupied in the kitchen, which was wafting an aromatic


swallowed hard. “God C, I’m so envious that my tears are flowing out from


Wanna stay for lunch, then?”


“No problem!”



the dining hall and seated himself at the


was obvious that the decor here was cozier than in the club, and


but secretly look at Cheryl and ask, “Hey, God C. Um, I kinda wanna ask


Go ahead,” replied


business is your family in, God


a while. “Actually, I’m not sure


in a large number of industries, while her grandaunt was involved with mysterious matters overseas. On top of that, her mom was also an enigmatic one who disappeared for a couple of days


went through his education systematically. She had heard that their father intended to hand


unfathomable one. Nobody knew what their father was doing with him every day, and she had heard that he


weakest in the family and that she was so rich that she


misunderstood and thought that she was reluctant to reveal anything to outsiders because of


everyone drove back to Villa No. 8 for


refused the butler’s offer to pick her up, instead insisting


only a ten-minute walk or three-minute drive


stood up and said, “I’m going out for an evening run, so


who didn’t think much


out, Cheryl, who suddenly thought of something, said, “By the way, I have to take


at this point. Upon hearing this, he asked, “What


“Mm, shooting practice.”


forget that Cheryl had


entrance examination, she had


coach was confused.


on her behalf and said, “Cheryl is


“… Uh-huh, and then?”


promised the national team that I would train with them


The coach: “??”


of the club seeing her


as disapproval, explained, “I only need to go for shooting practice two days a month so that they wouldn’t


a one-man show but a team


Cheryl indeed had to spend more time training team coordination


much become numb to further revelations, said jokingly, “Um, considering that you got a score of 1598 in the college entrance examinations, be it games or shooting, isn’t either too much of a waste? Why


clubs were lucrative businesses, but being a scientist was obviously a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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