There was complete silence in the club.


Everyone turned to look at Cheryl incredulously.


Then, they looked back at their boss who was always scolding them.



Chester was 30 years old this year. His wife had just given birth to their son recently, so he didn’t have as much time as before to visit the club these days. Cheryl had already met the adorable and pretty baby boy before.


Chester, who had been so busy taking care of his son and related matters, could finally relax now. He said, “Hey, leader! Let’s play a round together!”


However, the heartless Cheryl replied, “… I don’t feel like playing with you.”




“You’re horrible at it.”




When Cheryl’s teammates heard her blunt reply, none of them dared to even utter a word.


Zac looked at the two of them thoughtfully.


As for Lionel, he widened his eyes and glanced at Cheryl worriedly.


Although he had been astonished by Chester calling God C “leader” just now, Chester was ultimately still their boss! God C was simply too rude!


What if their boss got mad and refused to pay her salary?!


True enough, Chester did get mad. “If you don’t play with me, I won’t pay you your salary!”


He would remit Cheryl’s salary to his sister-in-law instead!


Cheryl glanced at him. “Do what you want.”



Didn’t he know that money was the last thing she lacked at the moment?!


Chester: “…”


Chester was obviously at a disadvantage in the conversation, yet nobody could tell for some reason, and they even thought that Cheryl had thoroughly enraged Chester.


A smiling Lionel immediately said, “We’ll play with you, instead, Boss…!”


He took a step forward and stood between Cheryl and Chester, shielding her behind him.


After spending more than 20 days together, Lionel had already started to become protective of her.


the club’s


lately because I have to take care of my kid. Can’t you agree to my request when I finally have a day off




his pitiful expression, the helpless Cheryl could only reply, “Fine, just









heaved a quiet sigh


“You’re on!”


into his account. “Come


a mage, so every time he came, Lionel would have to sit out and let him


was more than happy to do so,


only horrible at the game, but also had an awful temper. Whoever played with him would end up having


the side and waited. However, after the game started, he found that their boss was actually playing calmly and wasn’t


there before quickly leaving because he mustn’t steal the experience points. However, when


he wanted to say something, but held back in the


After a while…


again! Leader, why didn’t you come and save


any point in saving you? Even an advanced cannon



Lionel: “!!!!”


me again. I’m weak only because I gave you all the


boar knows that it should counterattack the enemy, but what about you? You were knocked out in one hit before you could even cast any of the


Lionel: “!!!!!”


their boss, who was always scolding them, suffer a setback for once, was it really alright for God C to diss him like




C was


didn’t even need to use swear words when she


prowess at dishing out insults couldn’t compare to even half


Lionel swallowed.


end of the round, even though Cheryl and Zac led their teammates to victory, the game didn’t bring






he still got scolded, Chester felt totally


the members of the club went to see


also followed them out the


threateningly, “You guys better treat my leader well, you hear? Or all of you will be in


Everyone: “…”


looked at Cheryl cheerfully and then suddenly leaned in close to her. He lowered his voice and said, “By


“Got it.”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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