Chapter 1033: God C!!!


Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

For the first game of the new season, the organizers hosted an opening event where they invited stars to perform. Many clubs sent representatives for the event.


Coaches would usually just attend such events with a random member of the team as the purpose of showing up was simply to show their appreciation to the organizers. However, as Club HS was up in the first round after drawing lots to determine the order, as well as because Zac was simply so popular in the circle, all the members accompanying their coaches turned out to be the captains of their teams.


All the competitors were resting backstage.


The captains gathered and started a discussion.


“Club HS is so unlucky to be up against Club JQ again right in the first round.”


“I heard Club JQ found a new member to play as support right after Jimy quit, and the support plays so much better than her! They are also ranked pretty high in the local server…”


“Yeah, my team played against them in a training match yesterday.”


“How did it go?”


“Club JQ has become even stronger.”




The entire group fell silent, all somewhat worried for Club HS.


Be it Zac, Lionel, or even their retired ex-gunner, all the Club HS members were on good terms with the others. However, Club JQ members were somewhat seen as black sheep among the players.


They often head-hunted people from other teams—and even players from other countries—by offering high remuneration.


They stopped at nothing to win.


When Club HS recruited a female team member, they had also immediately recruited Jimy, all because they were determined not to be outdone. They wanted the top spot in everything and were willing to leech off anybody’s popularity.

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To be honest, everyone disliked them.


Unfortunately, during the last season, the wrist injury that Club HS’ ex-gunner previously suffered had returned to plague him, leading to him making a mistake in the finals. He had then been killed by Club JQ’s jungler immediately, resulting in Club HS losing the final round of the team battle and Club JQ emerging as the champion.


There was no room for mistakes in team battles.


Everyone was unhappy with Club JQ, and no one ever considered them worthy of their title as champion.


“What is Club HS going to do??”


“With their new support being a rookie, they’re going to lose for sure… Besides, Chonk, who plays as support, didn’t play very well when he played as a gunner previously either. That was why he switched to a support class instead. When you spend enough time as a support, you’ll end up habitually protecting your teammates. Do you think people like that would play recklessly?”


While they were deep in the discussion, Zac pushed open the door.


was aware that the captains were all here, there was no doubt


captains all cast him a pitying glance, which baffled Zac




didn’t your team recruit a gunner when they were looking for


even if she had all the connections in the world. Even your boss understands that an important


of gunners, someone comes to mind right


also thought of


“Me too…”




who you’re all talking about! We’ve been dominated by her for so many


her name


“Me too…”


tier in the rankings. On occasions when her teammates


good number of professional players had loved dueling one-on-one with her


had ordered them to




different from


gunner, she could still avoid all the assassins and dish out a


even the head coaches found


thought about it again, it was true that the gunner made up the core of a team. She would indeed be the strongest if she played as a


all of


team must play one-on-one against God C at least 50 times! This was the only way to train


anyone realized it, God C had already


then. Toward the end, someone said, “That’s


built up Club HS’ reputation as


Zac: “…”


kept quiet


kid would have to introduce herself when she went on stage later anyway. When that happened, she


were they looking


“That’s impossible.”


captains said, “Think about it, God C was already dominating the game ten years ago, so she must already be past the


player is between 16 and 24 years old. Zac can probably play until he’s 26, but for people like us, things will


years old, but he was still in


list has already been finalized anyway. Let’s not trigger him with talk of God C anymore. That said, you now have a little princess


‘You can lose the game,


enough matches, I’m sure your boss would


the fact that we’re here to watch you get thrashed by your opponent in the


all of them were joking around, the things


a smile, and he patted the shoulder of the person closest to him. “That may not




on a cliffhanger. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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