Chapter 1036: Champion!


Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Amid all the question marks filling the screen, someone finally wrote something different.


“I can’t describe it any other way than this—she’s too damn impressive!”


“She’s amazing! Cheryl Smith took first place in the qualifiers!”


“I suspect that the two of them have the same name. How can anyone not only excel at gaming but also at shooting?”


“Sudden thought here, but… what if Cheryl Smith turns out to be the champion?”




That’s right, Cheryl had taken first place in the qualifiers and successfully made it through to the finals. Once the finals were over, which would be held the next day, she would receive the medal.


Cheryl’s fans started chatting in the forums.


“Don’t go around bragging online just yet, guys! Stay low-key! Low-key, you hear?!”


“Yeah, the girl might have lucked out in the qualifiers, that’s all. If we start bragging and she doesn’t win tomorrow, it’ll be really embarrassing!”


okay even if she doesn’t win this time! She can always try again after


“Yeah! You’re right!”



for the Club HS members, after they easily won the match, the host couldn’t help but ask Lionel during an interview, “Do you have any


right? God C is cooped up in the club with us all the time. There’s only so much energy one can have. Since her talent has gone


young, so do be patient with her. We’ll eventually compete on


The host: “??”


bemused, she looked at Lionel and asked, “Uh… Haven’t you


who was even more lost than her, replied, “Yeah, the match just ended, so I haven’t had a chance to look at my phone yet. I was told to come here for the interview immediately. What’s the matter? Did she rank too low? But that’s perfectly understandable, isn’t it? People shouldn’t be




a while. Then, she tried to give him a hint and asked, “Seeing that Ms. Smith has


Lionel: “???”


as he walked down from the stage. He pinched himself hard, the pain making him inhale sharply. Only then did he turn to Zac in disbelief. “Hey, Zac. Just


question came the next


Cheryl was the champion!!




fans were incredibly


became a fan because she’s so pretty. What kind of unbelievable person have I become a


shooting? Dear Lord, any one of those titles is


is no human; she’s


At the same time!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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