Chapter 4: His First Love

Chapter 4: His First Love

Imogen‘ s sobs echoed inside the car. She tightly held her phone as she felt her chest tighten in pain.

She connected the dots. Her husband took Sarah to meet his friends when he arrived in New


All of his friends knew and supported them.

Only she was kept in the dark.

After all, only the Marshall family knew about their marriage.

Troy had never introduced Imogen to his friends as his wife. Even though they would meet them

at parties or events, everybody just assumed that Imogen was the adopted daughter of the


“Ms. Imogen?”

The driver arrived at the garage and saw Imogen’s car, he got confused and tried to check on


Imogen hurriedly wiped her cheeks. Pretending she didn’t hear him, she started the engine and drove out of the house.

After a while, Imogen arrived at the office, calm and poised. She never mixed her personal dilemmas with work.

This time, she could only pour her whole attention to her job.

Imogen read Troy‘ s email. Then, she copied the file of the plan and sent it to him.

It didn’t take long for Troy to send his reply.

Troy: [Approved. You should keep an eye on it in the future.]

always, his replies were always short and


sending her reply, Imogen started assigning

to get off work when

go home without me. I have something else to do later.]

needles prickling her heart. With trembling fingers, she types a

considered an important member of the Marshall family. Troy would always inform her about his meetings or dinners with other important people.

days, he would just say he would simply do “something

what or who this “something else” was Sarah

to tell you earlier, but I bought a gift for you during my trip abroad. It’s in

typed a reply. [Got

agitated. He leaned back on his swivel chair, closed his eyes, and rubbed his temples.

assistant, knocked on


4: His First Love

me, Mr. Marshall. Ms. Page has arrived,” he said

was heading to the elevator when she noticed the employees murmuring and looking at something..

office? Was that

Too bad she was wearing a mask. I couldn’t see her

don’t you think she looks a bit like

actress? No way! Was that really her? She had been living abroad, right?”

She and Mr. Marshall

One of

She stammered and looked at

mouths and smiled at Imogen politely. “Good

“It’s past six

the elevator. Her back was stiff, and her movements were calculated. Tears pooled on the side of her

get out of the building. She suddenly couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t bear the idea that


yet. Did he forget that his legal wife works in this

chatter, but they had already

time I look at her, I feel intimidated and nervous.

Marshall‘ s sister?” One of

coerced Chairman Marshall to adopt her into

Where did you

the PR department.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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