Chapter 33.1: Lighter

Imogen gestured towards the bathroom and said, “I’m finished. You can go ahead and wash. up.”

Quickly, Troy took his pajamas and entered the bathroom. As Troy gracefully stepped into the bathroom, he was greeted by an enchanting aroma that filled the air like a gentle embrace. The delightful fragrance of shower gel danced around him. And he noticed the clear separation between the dry and wet areas.

It was the same scent that lingered on Imogen‘ s body. The aroma traveled up Troy‘ s nose and nerves, reaching his brain, causing a stirring sensation within him.

Troy’s body began to simmer with an intense heat, making him feel increasingly restless. With closed eyes, his mind was flooded with vivid images of his intimate moments with Imogen, making it all the more unbearable.

Meanwhile, Imogen sat on the bed, casually scrolling through her phone before preparing to go to sleep. However, as time passed, she couldn’t help but notice that Troy had been in the bathroom for quite a while, and there was no sound of running water.

Growing suspicious, Imogen lifted the blanket and stepped out of bed, making her way to the bathroom door. As she approached, she could faintly hear heavy breathing emanating from


Within mere seconds, realization struck her, and her face flushed red. Hurriedly, she returned to bed, fully aware of what Troy was doing there.

After a while, the sound of water started to patter in the bathroom, and it didn’t take long for it to cease. Soon, Troy emerged from the bathroom.

Beside her, Imogen felt the mattress sink as Troy settled down. After a while, she drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the night, she found herself in a half–asleep, half–awake state, and it seemed like she heard heavy breathing in her ear. Imogen woke up and realized that the gasping sound wasn’t from her dream but from Troy, who was lying beside her.

She glanced at him in the soft moonlight and asked, “Troy, are you asleep?”

“No,” Troy replied in a hoarse voice.

Startled by his red face, Imogen inquired, “Why is your face so red?”

Imogen abruptly reached out and touched Troy‘ s forehead, only to realize that he was burning


“Troy, do you have a fever?” Imogen asked with concern as she sat up in bed,

As her cool hands touched his forehead, it felt like a refreshing rain after a long drought, and Troy couldn’t help but grasp her hand and press it against his face. In the dim light, his burning gaze

met hers.

“It’s not a fever. It’s the soup I had earlier tonight,” he explained.

It must have been a strong tonic soup, and Imogen, with her experience, quickly realized what might be happening.

do now?” she asked, acknowledging

eyes locked in an intense gaze. He restrained himself, his brow furrowing and


Chapter 33.1: Lighter

was extremely hot.

then wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers brushing against the clean stubble

breath and buried his head in the crook of Imogen’s neck. Suddenly, he abruptly got out of bed and walked swiftly towards the bathroom. Confused, Imogen asked, “Troy?”

to bed first. I’ll take

followed while Imogen lay on the bed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and chill. She wanted to be his comfort, but he seemed to be determined to stay loyal to Sarah, even if it meant enduring discomfort. With that, she realized it was just

turned over, curling up

she still worried about him. Taking a cold shower at night might make

dismissed the idea. Why should she interfere if he was

might also


Love With My Contract

My Boyfriend’s

My Cheating Boyfriend,

Loved Your Enemy

Chapter 33.2: Lighter

the sound of water stopped, and the bathroom

and Imogen felt the bed sink

the bed, and she tightened the blanket around her. “Are you feeling

whispered, “Go


silent, with only the soft sounds of their breathing. Imogen couldn’t tell if Troy had fallen asleep. She lay still on the bed, her drowsiness dissipating, leaving her fully awake. After lying for too long, her body felt stiff, and she rolled over to find a more comfortable position. And after an unknown amount of time, Troy cleared

breath, gently lifted the blanket, and got out of bed, heading towards

of the bathroom, wrapped in

in a low voice as he


trouble sleeping?” he asked


you like me to tell you a German story?”

she replied, “Yes, please, thank

German. When she couldn’t sleep, he would tell her German stories, even though she didn’t understand the language. Nevertheless, his calming voice always brought her comfort, filling the room with his warm and gentle voice, capturing her full attention.

mind and listened intently. It was impossible to tell how long it lasted, but eventually, the room was filled with the sound of even breathing. Troy’s voice gradually faded, and he whispered,

was evident that she had already fallen asleep. Troy gently tucked

hazy moment, the phone rang. Imogen touched the phone and, half–asleep, accidentally pressed


screen, her eyes


on a note. She had mistakenly answered a call from Sarah intended for Troy.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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