Chapter 65 Scumbag

Imogen’s vision had almost recovered, so there was no need for her to stay in the hospital


Early the next day, after having breakfast, Imogen went to complete the discharge procedures and called a driver to bring her belongings home. Then she went to the ward to visit Henry.

Henry’s ward was quiet.

Henry sat on the bed while Layla sat on the sofa, both looking away from each other, refusing to make eye contact.

As soon as Imogen entered, she sensed that something was off.

“Grandpa, Grandma,” Imogen looked at the two of them and asked, “Have you had breakfast?”

“Yes, we have.”

“We have.”

The two answered in unison.

“What’s going on…? Are you having an argument?” Imogen asked.

“It’s not a fight. It’s your grandpa throwing a tantrum here,” Layla glanced at Henry and said. Imogen looked at Henry and asked, “Grandpa, what did you do to upset Grandma?”

“I didn’t do anything to upset her…” Henry muttered under his breath, looking guilty. “Then what happened?”

Layla said with a sneer, “Imogen, why don’t you be the judge? He wants to go home even before he’s fully recovered. Isn’t he deliberately trying to provoke me?”

Henry looked helplessly and said, “Staying in the hospital is no different from staying at home. It’s better to go home.”

Henry didn’t like being in the hospital. He had mentioned this a few days ago.

Imogen persuaded, “Grandpa, you haven’t recovered yet, so why don’t you stay in the hospital for a few more days?”

“I know my own body. I’m already fine, so why stay in the hospital?” Henry declared with a determined expression.

“Grandpa, it’s not up to you to decide. We have to ask the doctor,” Imogen said.

“No need to ask. I know it myself,” Henry insisted firmly.


“What are you talking about?”

Troy, dressed in a suit, walked in from outside, carrying a neatly packed bag in his hand.

“Why aren’t you at the company?” Henry frowned and glanced at Troy.

first. I’ll go company

Imogen a glance. “I was afraid

on the sofa, yet Troy went straight to Imogen, placing the food in front of her. Layla saw through his act but didn’t expose him, saying, “Your grandpa and



Chapter 65 Scumbag

“I had breakfast early.”

have a

didn’t know what to

took out several packages from the bag, including sandwiches, salads, and

would you like some?”

Troy, Imogen, I’m fine. You don’t have to keep coming to me all the time. You’re not doctors, so what’s the

looked at Imogen,

wants to be

me. I know my own body better than anyone else. It’s not as serious as all

his gaze, thought for a moment, and said, “Grandpa, it’s not a small matter. Why don’t I go ask Mr. Brooks? If he agrees,

he didn’t give the green light, his insistence would be futile. However, there was

and walked out of the ward,

was aware that Henry’s health condition was not promising. Despite wanting him to continue treatment at the hospital, Troy also understood that

and let him go home for recuperation. Being in a good mood can also help with


of Willard’s office and went toward

across two doctors in white coats who were engaged

were together?” The

recently.” The

one of the hospital shareholders, had been hospitalized in the ward, and Troy,

to sneak into the VIP ward area. The hospital issued a notice specifically to its employees and security personnel

ward, and realized that she was the “third party” mentioned in the news. However, Imogen had instructed him not to let her ex–husband know about


Chapter 65 Scumbag

been a scumbag,

like the female celebrity was the mistress, and considering that news of her affair with Troy had just emerged, it likely played a significant role in Troy and Imogen’s divorce. “How do you know they were married?” The

answer when he saw Troy approaching. He quickly greeted him with a serious


lightly nodded as he passed by

a faint voice of the doctor on the right saying, “Ms. Forbes told me herself. She told me on the

a moment and continued walking

went back, Henry asked quickly, “What did Willard

Imogen were also looking at Troy,

Brooks said Grandpa can be discharged and go

Henry felt confident and glanced at Layla and Imogen, saying, “See, I

and Imogen exchanged a

go home

yet. Grandpa, you can only go home after I have all

as he said, “How

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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