Chapter 143 Their Child?

In the hospital, as the red light in the emergency room turned green, the medical staff came out from inside.

Troy stood up immediately. “Doctor, how is my wife?”

A doctor removed the mask and sighed. “The pregnant woman has threatened miscarriage and must stay in bed to protect the pregnancy! The wounds on her face are all traumatic injuries, which is the second most important thing. After the wounds are healed, she should keep using some scar–removing drugs. With the help of instruments, there should be no obvious scars.”

The pregnant woman?

Threatened miscarriage?

Troy froze in place for a while and asked in a deep voice, “Doctor, what did you say? My wife is pregnant?”

The doctor looked at Troy in surprise and felt he looked familiar, but he couldn’t recall who it


The doctor asked in a deep voice, “How do you take responsibility as a husband? Didn’t

it until your wife was pregnant for four months?”

With her expression frozen for a moment, Troy asked in disbelief, “Four months?”

you know

Sarah hadn’t returned domestically four months ago, and the relationship between Imogen and Troy was still stable.

Imogen had been pregnant for so long!

Did Imogen know she was pregnant?

At that time, Troy asked Imogen if they had a child, would she still choose to divorce?

Imogen said that even if she had a child, she would not give birth to them.

So didn’t she know herself pregnant?

But it had been four months, so how could Imogen don’t know it?

So Imogen lied to Troy by saying she didn’t want a child.

That Imogen said this way was because she felt angry after being hurt. In fact, she was not willing to have an abortion.

This child was related to him and Imogen, and it was their child…

Troy only felt that everything around him was ethereal, and he didn’t know whether it was surprise or joy. He just felt that something filled his heart, full and warm.

was about to let Imogen go, their marriage had another chance to


so Troy

doctor reminded him, “The pregnant woman is born with a special constitution. Her uterus is deformed, and its wall is thin, which easily causes her miscarriage. Even after three months, she should not be taken lightly. With her physique, if this baby were accidentally miscarried, it would be difficult for her to have another child in the future, so she must stay in bed for pregnancy protection, and you must look after her carefully!”

I will definitely pay more attention to my wife.” Troy said solemnly.

Imogen was

swollen, with gauze

bed, staring deeply at Imogen’s sleeping face,

eyes full

in his hand and carefully placed Imogen’s other hand


was four months old and was slowly growing

of the

license plate number of the perpetrators‘ van and called Troy

were any later, Troy would dare not


the ward to

have been arrested, and the person who ordered them was Samara. When we arrived at the Page Villa,

policemen. She can’t run far, and you must dig deep to find her!” Troy’s expression


take her to the airport. I’ll

said the young

Marshall, it’s so late. Why haven’t you and Mrs. Marshall come back

the hospital for a few days. Sue, you need to come over here tomorrow with her some clothes and make some nutritious food for her.” Sue immediately said in worry, “What’s wrong with Mrs. Marshall?

hide it anymore. “Yes, I already knew and intended to tell you, but Mrs. Marshall didn’t want me to tell you.”

didn’t want Sue to

finally confirmed that Imogen already knew that she

wanted to divorce him and

Troy’s hand holding the phone suddenly tightened, and his hanging hand clenched into a fist.

didn’t speak, Sue said, “Mr. Marshall, don’t blame Mrs. Marshall.


a moment and said in a deep voice, “I know.”

him, so she wanted to take

when she underwent the tough time of pregnancy and endured

qualified husband and also failed to be a qualified father…

returned to the ward, sat back on the side of the bed, and bent down to gently

Imogen go again!

let his child call Liam


fell to the ground and

ward was in a

two men were trying to drag Sarah out, but Sarah held onto the legs of the bed

staff dared

VIPS, all wealthy and privileged, had seen all kinds of dark sides of unspoken rules, so they all closed the door

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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