Chapter 163 Let Me Feed You

“Don’t overthink it. After all, you got hurt trying to save me. I just feel uneasy,” Imogen lowered her eyes as she spoke.

She had subtly replaced “deep concern” with “unease.”

It’s as if when a stranger gets injured saving her, she would feel grateful and worried.

But the deep concern is different.

Some say

The light in Troy’s eyes dimmed. “Aren’t you going to ask why I saved you?”

when you deeply care for a man, it means you’re falling for him.

In that dangerous situation, he didn’t have a moment to think. He didn’t even consider his own safety. Acting on instinct, turning the steering wheel, all because he didn’t want her to get hurt. “No matter the reason, I should thank you. Thank you, Troy,” Imogen said, looking sincerely at him.

If Troy was willing to risk his life to save hers, then she would also repay him with her own life.

If a day came when Troy was in danger, Imogen would similarly risk her life for him. However, she dared not trust him again, nor give him her heart.

To Troy, Imogen’s words of gratitude sounded harsh to his ears.

Troy smirked. “Is that all, just verbal gratitude?”

“So, how would you like me to thank you?”

“Can you…” Troy began, then hesitated, “…stay in the hospital to take care of me until I’m discharged?”

For a split second, what Troy actually wanted to say was, could you not leave me? Could we reconcile?

Imogen frowned. Just as Troy began to feel anxious, thinking he shouldn’t have asked her during this vulnerable time, Imogen nodded.


Seeing Imogen agree, Troy felt a surge of happiness.

However, when he heard Imogen say, “You got hurt saving me. It’s only right that I take care of you,” his face stiffened, and the happiness quickly faded.

He lowered his head, a hint of bitterness on his face. Even if she stayed to care for him for a few days, what would be the point?

They would still end up apart.

“Forget it, I was just joking. Sue will take care of me. What are you planning to do next?”

planning a trip with Charlie and Alex.”

“Where to?”

not sure

you leaving?”

couple of days.”


you leaving so

seriously, “Are you sure you don’t need me here? I can delay my

your trip, what are your

shook her head. “I don’t know,

drip had finished and called the nurse to

the documents in the car, asked them a few questions, and explained the identity of the

showing it

learning that he had hit the CEO of Marshall Group, he panicked and tried to contact his

matter. In his heart, he even felt grateful for

were once again intertwined. If it meant seeing Imogen again, he’d willingly break

bag and

called Sue, “Sue, Mr. Marshall had a car accident. He’s currently at Mount West Hospital. Could you please bring him some clothes to change into?”

Mr. Marshall’s injury


you, Mrs. Marshall?

much and don’t

He closed his

she might leave the hospital tonight. Maybe she’d travel with friends tomorrow, and there was no telling when

to inform each other of their whereabouts, living without interfering with each other.

the future, she’d have her

her at the Marshall villa. If she deliberately avoided him, not seeing her for

thought of this scenario made Troy’s heartache.

couldn’t bear

buy some food.”

his eyes. “Anything is fine. I’m not very hungry

choose something.”

phone and left the room.

minutes later, she returned

salad, milk,

everything on the table. “I got a variety,


to eat. You’re still recovering. And you’ve always had

stopped mid–sentence, becoming

They were divorced.

now, things

years, she often cared about his meals, fearing he would forget while working. That’s why they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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