
Chapter 167 Her First Man

As soon as Troy thought about the possibility that it might be true, he was quickly caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion.

Veins pulsed on his forehead as he gritted his teeth, struggling to stop himself from losing his temper.

He and Imogen couldn’t have a child together.

Yet, she had a child with another man!

He thought, “Who is that man? Was he her first man? He actually let Imogen give birth alone and didn’t take responsibility for her? If I know who he is, I swear I will tear that person into shreds!” Then, he recalled Imogen’s wish to go abroad with Liam all along, so he wondered if that man could be Liam.

He thought, “Do they have a home together abroad? Have they been together since she was in her junior year?”

Flames of anger flared in the corners of his heart, its flames burning more fiercely with each. passing moment, almost consuming Troy’s sanity.

All the while, Lane leaned against the wall outside the ward, as still as a statue, quietly perking up his gars to listen carefully.

There was no sound coming from the ward.

It was as if there was no one inside.

Lane thought to himself, “Mr. Marshall must be very sad right now, silently reminiscing about the past, licking the wounds in his heart, and digesting all the bitterness.”


Suddenly, a deafening noise echoed from the ward, causing Lane to shudder.

Following that came a series of crashing sounds.

If one listened closely, one would be able to distinguish the thud made by a table being overturned, the friction of a sofa being moved, the sharp and piercing sound of glass shattering, and the clang of something dropping to the floor…

Lane cringed in fright, thankful that he had come out.

He could vividly imagine Troy kicking over a table in a fit of


The ward fell into silence once again following that cacophony of noises.

After what felt like an eternity, a hoarse voice finally came from inside, “You can go back now.”

The voice sounded relatively calm, but with careful listening, one could detect a hint of weariness and bitterness beneath the surface.

Lane glanced at his phone. It was already eleven at night.

Given the situation, he figured Troy wouldn’t be getting any sleep at all.

Lane arrived at the hospital ward early the next morning.

Upon entering, a heavy smell of cigarette smoke filled the air, so thick that it was suffocating.

The room was in complete disarray, with the table overturned, the sofa moved, and everything scattered on the floor.

Troy sat on the armchair, leaning against the backrest. His legs were crossed, his arms rested on

the armrests, and his eyes, which were tightly shut, had dark circles underneath.

It seemed that he was in the same position when Troy left the day before.

The floor in front of him was covered in a thick layer of cigarette ash.

Cigarette butts were strewn everywhere, too numerous to count.

Lane sighed and walked to the window across the room, opening it to let in fresh air.

“Mr. Marshall, would you like to change to another ward? I can have this

in a hoarse voice as if there was sandpaper in his throat, “All right.”

that Troy didn’t bring up the idea of leaving the hospital anymore, Lane felt relieved.

insisted on leaving


the aftermath of the car accident, he checked

surveillance footage.

Imogen, Troy wouldn’t have sustained such serious injuries only to find out about that kind of news.

could be quite

to Troy, “Mr. Marshall, you can go to



as water in a bottomless pit, while his

not having slept all night, the folds of his eyelids were even more pronounced. His brows were twisted into a deep frown as he

followed closely behind, pouring him a glass of water before placing it on the table in front of Troy and asking, “Mr. Marshall, is there anything you need me

believed that after learning this news, Troy would

the sofa, crossing his long legs, lazily leaning against the backrest. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his


the glass of water and took a sip, his voice deep as he ordered, “Find someone to investigate what happened during Imogen’s third

the entire night, he finally managed to calm

been suspicious of from the beginning. It was obviously Imogen’s first pregnancy due to how clueless and inexperienced she seemed.

she should have

given birth before,

completely disregard the child’s existence, or did she have some connection with


he realized that the child probably had nothing to do

then, they hadn’t even recognized

child and her fondness for Liam, if they

end, she wouldn’t abandon the child to

about divorcing


was left was the question of who the

what Troy wanted to know

any case, everything was way too suspicious, and Troy couldn’t

the truth of the matter before he

“Understood,” Lane answered.

soon as possible!” Troy

“I will.”

and her companions, guided by Charlie, began

a snowfall, leaving a thick layer of snow on the ground. However, that didn’t dampen their

was Karl Johans

be the busiest shopping

shopping malls, and numerous

the three of them strolled leisurely

had her hands in her pockets, stepping on the thick snow, occasionally

look like a tourist at

active among them, constantly using her phone’s camera to capture the scenery along the way, occasionally stepping

quite high, making luxury shopping very cost–effective.

give to his parents, relatives, and other friends. “Hey, could one of you take a picture of me?” Charlie stood in front of a building, waving the shopping

A Younger Boyfriend

gothic style with towering spires, distinct lines, simple and bright, grand and magnificent. The round dome windows were adjacent slender

took the shopping bags from Charlie’s hand and pointed to Imogen, saying, “Let

Imogen wasn’t very enthusiastic. Thus, he wanted to

her the phone. Imogen reluctantly found an angle and took a few pictures for Charlie.

at the phone and exclaimed, “Wow! This is

glanced over and smiled. “Imogen, you have some skills. Maybe you should

Imogen furrowed her brows.

“Yes, yes, you should be our exclusive photographer! Don’t refuse. You’re here

Imogen agreed.

she should indeed distract

based on various guides that Charlie had

restaurant was mainly filled with foreigners, and the

ordering several side dishes, the three of them went to get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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