Chapter 321 Arrive

Gerald opened his eyes. He looked around and found that it was in the morning at this place!

When they set off, it was almost morning, but when they woke up, it was still early in the morning! The sun slowly rose above sea level. Valery frowned and asked, “Parachute?”

Gerald nodded and said, “Yes, try to parachute to places with no one around. If we land in the city, we may be targeted by many people in an instant. In Sin City, it is not a good thing to be famous. It better to keep a low profile!”

“Bah!” Kristen said from the side. “Boss, how could you say such words?”

Gerald coughed drily and said, “In short, choose a more remote beach to parachute.”

“Down here!” Theo pointed at the island. Then he began to carry his luggage!

Gerald also began to wear his suit.

He only had one backpack. Of course, they did not use Watchmen’s backpacks because those backpacks were too eye-catching.

In other cities, Watchmen might be very popular, but in Sin City, Watchmen might not have a good ending.

“Get ready and parachute!” Gerald said. “Theo, use your Vital Energy to control our landing point!”

“Okay!” Theo said with a chuckle.

Logically speaking, this matter should be done by Gerald, but at that moment, Gerald did not have any Vital Energy in his body, so he could only leave it to Theo.


As they spoke, all of them jumped down from the sky!

Behind them, the voice of the airline stewardess sounded, “Everyone, you must return safely!”

“When I come back, will you marry me?” Theo shouted.

Of course, no one responded to him.

The wind whistled in Gerald’s ear, and he was falling.

and closer to land, he shouted, “Get ready to

and almost every Watchman was an expert

Theo controlled the parachute

six people accurately landed

and stretched himself. He looked at

yes!” Theo leaned

them on his back. The others were the same, but most of them only carried one

one and a short one.

for Claude, he didn’t even bring a blade.

case that Gerald hadn’t recovered his Vital Energy, Claude’s sniper rifle was the only thing that could

also the strongest soldier on this

finished packing, Gerald let out a breath and said, “Let’s go!”

time, Valery took out a map from her backpack. This was a map of Sin City. It was very large and was marked in great detail. For example, some landmarks, nearby villages, and towns were all

of this island. It seems to be a few hundred

follow us,” said Claude with

like the feeling of not knowing much, but

wanted to keep her in suspense, she decided to let

at the map, then chose a road. After walking for about half an hour, they stopped

do we do next?” Valery

pass by later, we just kick the people out and leave them on the

and said,

survival rule of Sin City. You don’t need to

houses, as long as

expect that this place

in those luxurious houses are more powerful. The people are bandits in Sin

I’ll see how you guys

waited on the roadside.

made them a little embarrassed happened. They didn’t encounter a truck.

are no trucks passing by!” Theo couldn’t help but scratch his head

the island. It was also

truck suddenly

were talking, they saw a truck not far away. It slowly drove toward

truck?” Claude asked.

sneered, “Damn it, there are no good people in Sin City. I will stop the truck

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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