Chapter 273 It’s Worth a Try

When Aron heard Gerald’s words, his lips twitched slightly.

“Mr. Leigh…” The waiter said in a low voice.

Looking at Gerald’s half–smile, Aron gritted his teeth and said, “OK, I’ll pay for you.”

Aron took out a card unwillingly. His hands were shaking.

Gerald smiled and said, “Then we’ll leave first. It’s so kind of you. Next time, you can treat us to a meal!”

Aron was furious when he heard Gerald say it. What was more, when Gerald stood up, Keira held

Gerald’s arm without hesitation!

In fact, Keira was afraid that Gerald drank too much and would lose his balance.

However, in Aron’s view, it was a public display of affection. Aron stared at Keira and Gerald and said, “Gerald, I will give you another 800 thousand dollars, stay away from Keira!”

Gerald raised his eyebrows and said, “I’ll give you 1.6 million dollars and leave Keira alone. Can’t you see that Keira dislikes you?”

“1.6 million dollars! Do you have that much money?” Aron chuckled.

In fact, Gerald was a little drunk at this time. He could drink a lot of alcohol without getting drunk and he had never been drunk in his life.

However, Gerald just drank ten bottles of red wine and was getting drunk. At this moment, his male ego came into play thanks to Aron.


Gerald put a Diamond Card from New Bank on the table. Then Gerald looked at Aron calmly and said, “You are working with New Bank. You should know what it is!”

How can

to me!” Gerald said

his throat. Hearing Gerald’s words, Aron began

not dare to say

bank card. Keira

the key to Keira and said, “You

going?” Keira asked.

house and then you can drive away. You can use this

have a car to drive. I bought two cars and one is unused,” Gerald said.

him when she left and

did not refuse. She nodded and said, “OK, then

told her the address. Keira started the car and drove

of his residence, Keira frowned and said, “I’ll go up with you. drank so much, and I’m worried that

haven’t drunk so much before. I do feel a little drunk. I’ll just go up and meditate. You should go back now.

“All right, be careful. Call

and said goodbye to Keira. He

without Valery and

take a cold shower. Although the girls had left and the room was empty, Gerald still

his eyes and

slowly stopped

is Gerald’s place,” Edric said

sitting there. In addition,

head and looked as

Edric’s words, his

your method works if we catch him? Whether we can live longer or not depends on it,”

can absorb Dragon Bones, it’s worth a try,” Dylan said.

it now?” Gordon

you are at super level. It will

should we do?” Gordon asked.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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