Chapter 336 Acquaintance

Valery still had that cold expression on her face. When she arrived at the door, she greeted Roger and the others. Then she paid the money and said, “Install all these things in the house. Move all the mattresses to the second floor. Install one of the air conditioners on the second floor, and the other on the first floor.”

Valery commanded in an orderly manner.

Many neighbors looked over with envy and complicated emotions in their eyes, and some of them looked unfriendly.

Someone shouted, “Roger, have you become rich?”

“Good for you, Roger. They bought you so many good things!”

Roger’s family entered the house. Roger took out a cigarette and lit it up, starting to smoke. His brows furrowed.

A poor person should not have bought these things in this area. Firstly, he could not afford them. Secondly, it would make him easily targeted. It was even possible that someone would take their

house away.

The neighbor’s words did not sound like congratulations to Roger, but more like ridicule and jealousy. This made Roger a little worried.

At the same time, Roger simply calculated all the things that Valery had bought. They at least cost 20 to 30 thousand lucs. Where did Gerald and his men get so much money?

No matter what, Roger didn’t want to get involved with dangerous things.

Valery walked in and put some meat and vegetables they had bought on the table and said to Nikki, “Nikki, here are some meat and vegetables. Please make some dishes with these. I need to supervise them to install the air conditioners.”

Nikki was a simple and warm-hearted woman. She quickly said, “No problem. I didn’t expect you to buy so many things.”

Valery smiled. She pointed at a man and said, “Install this air conditioner in that room.”

She pointed at Nikki and Roger’s bedroom.

Nikki and Roger were both stunned. Nikki quickly said, “No! Just install it on the second floor. We don’t need this. We are used to it.”

Valery smiled and said, “Please accept it, Nikki.”

Gerald only earned more than 4,000 lucs last night. Where did you get so much money to buy

in some jewelry from the outside world and sold them today. You can rest assured. We are going to eat meat for every

down a little. But when he saw the appliances installed in their room, he was

and watching happily. Occasionally, he also came to help. Now that the bedding and mattress had been changed, he

at the

felt a

she asked Roger, “By the way, Roger, have you

They charge us protection fees. They are considered one of the largest forces

Claude asked softly, “Boss, Dark Reapers


head and said, “I don’t know. It has

are just some nobody.”

nodded and did not take it to

the ability to go against Dark Reapers. Roger frowned and said, “By the way, tomorrow is the day that Dark Reapers will come to collect protection fees.

said, and then commanded them to

Valery and asked, “Did you fight

Dark Reapers tried to tease me, so I gave them

cause pain and not be fatal to stab. Gerald silently prayed for those people who provoked Valery and then sat back

he would be a coward. He had four people who could combat and handle most of the fight now. As

out, Gerald had

air conditioners and the water heater were installed for more than an hour. When they were done, it was

had bought a lot of meat and vegetables, they all had the best meal ever since they

as long as they could fill their stomachs.

very happy when she received the book that Valery had bought

and started reading. Although she couldn’t understand what


afternoon, Roger and Nikki

the other two went out to

to have a conflict with those who came to collect

more money tonight. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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