Chapter 49 Don’t Ask
At Coldale Ferry, when Byron found Cora, she was hugging a lamppost and dancing like a butterfly fluttering its wings.
She wore a pure white one-piece dress. Although it was not slim, it was light in texture and clung to her body line with the
river wind blowing, allowing her graceful figure to be perfectly shown.
“She’s pretty!”
“Look at her flexible waist. She must be sexually experienced.”
“If my wife wiggles like her, I will suspect that the child is not my own if I don’t see her for a second.”
A few eager men were talking about her not far away, but she didn’t know it and was still dancing.
Byron quickly walked past those men, came to her side, and covered her with his black trench coat.
Cora resisted at first, wanting to throw off his trench coat. “Don’t touch me!”
But Byron stubbornly wrapped her in his trench coat. “It’s very cold. I’ll take you back.”
His voice was cold, just like the river wind.
“Who are you? Don’t touch my wife.”
Among the men surrounding Cora, one of them had bad motives.

Seeing that Byron was going to take Cora away, he rushed forward angrily.
He thought that Byron was like him, who didn’t know Cora and just wanted to sleep with her.
Cora’s resistance just now made him surer of this, and his greed for her infinitely grew.
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But Byron put his arms around Cora’s waist to swear his sovereignty and gave him a cold look. “If you don’t leave, I’ll call
the police!”
At that moment, Byron’s superior aura was undoubtedly revealed.
The man also realized Byron was not easy to deal with, so he could only let go of his dirty thoughts and leave while
Cora sobered up a lot after the incident, allowing Byron to take her back to the apartment.
Although the winter had yet to come, the cold wind was strong, especially along the river.
Cora had been exposed to the cold air for nearly an afternoon and even drank alcohol. So she was groggy at the moment.
She was cold and wanted to take a hot shower, but she couldn’t do anything. She sat on the carpet beside the couch,
hugged her legs tightly, and buried her face deep in them.
“Are you cold?” Seeing her trembling, Byron frowned more tightly.
It was the first sentence he had said to Cora since he brought Cora into the car.
He really disliked Cora’s use of friends with benefits to describe their relationship, nor did he like Cora dancing, holding a
lamppost by the river to attract men.
His irritation billowed in his chest. But when he saw Cora curl up into a ball, the fire seemed to disappear inexplicably.
Without waiting for Cora’s response, he simply picked her up and carried her into the bathroom.
Cora seemed to come alive when the hot water fell on her skin.
The color came back to her pale face.
“What happened? Why weren’t you in the hospital?”
Holding the nozzle of the water heater, Byron showered Cora with hot water.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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