Chapter 70 His Rejection
Holding Cora’s arms, Sally focused on the gossip and didn’t notice Byron and the others at all.
“I don’t know.” Cora didn’t notice them either because Sally kept snickering and diverted her attention.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Didn’t you realize the motive of Tyler rushing back after you canceled the engagement? I still remember that Tyler and
you had chemistry at that time.”
After Sally finished speaking, she poked Cora with her elbow and smiled wickedly, “Cora, I think this time, when Tyler
comes back, you might as well consider your relationship with him.”
“You…” Cora was about to tell Sally not to talk nonsense.
Looking up inadvertently, she saw Byron, who was waiting for the elevator unexpectedly.
After a month, the two people who had broken up met again.
He was still very handsome with an alluring charm.
Facing those unfathomable deep eyes, Cora also had regrets…
But all the emotions came to an abrupt end with the sarcasm in his eyes and his indifferent expression.
In addition, she also saw Jane standing side by side with him, and the words that came to Cora’s lips also changed.

“Your suggestion is good. We’ll talk about it at dinner tonight.”
Even Sally was confused by this answer. “Cora?”
Enter title…
She was just joking, but why did Cora agree?
But soon, she knew why Cora had said that.
She saw Carter beside Byron.
“Cora.” While Harry greeted Cora first, he also took the opportunity to glance at Byron, wanting to see how the man would
But Byron only gave her an extra look when Cora appeared, and soon his eyes fell on the elevator display screen.
Cora also nodded slightly as a greeting.
“Cora, I was discharged from the hospital today.” Harry stared at Cora’s pretty face, feeling sweet in his heart.
So gorgeous!
Especially when seeing her divine and beautiful appearance in a white lab coat, he couldn’t help but think of the beautiful
and slender appearance of her waist in his hands when they danced together that day…
“Congratulations, Mr. Cross,” Cora responded, but the peripheral vision at the end of her eyes still deviated from her
reason, and quietly looked at Byron.
After all, she still couldn’t be as ruthless as this man. She gave him her first time.
But the man just stared at the elevator screen from beginning to end and treated her worse than a stranger.
The disparity in contrast made Cora feel like her heart had been torn apart.
During this period, she was busy with work and looking for a house during the day, and only at night would she think of
him and the night when they were deeply in love.
She couldn’t help but wonder if she hadn’t slapped Byron at that time, and if she hadn’t rejected him so thoroughly, would
it have ended differently now?
But now it seemed that such an idea was really ridiculous.
This man didn’t take her seriously at all, and he continued to be with his fiancée.
Even if she hadn’t rejected him so thoroughly at the time, they wouldn’t have had a good result in the end.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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