Chapter 153 Byron Is Here


Byron was about to go home after finishing the meeting in the Hansen Group.

But the moment he touched the steering wheel, he suddenly thought that Cora had gone to Clamville.

After hesitating for a moment, he checked the weather forecast in Clamville, only to find that the rainstorm warning signal there was the highest level.

A car happened to be approaching, and the headlights of the car shone into Byron’s car. Byron’s eyes were deep and cold.

Cora and others were still working hard to cooperate with the machine to dig out a channel.

However, the only excavator on site broke down during the high-intensity operation.

When the driver announced that the excavator was

malfunctioning, everyone almost collapsed.

“Fix the machine! I don’t want to die in this place at all. I promised my mother that I would go home for dinner next weekend,” one person said.

Chapter 153 Byron Is Here

Other people started to complain one after another.


“I don’t want to die either. My girlfriend is still waiting for me. to go back and get married.”

“Fix the machine! I promised my daughter that I would take

her to the playground and take photos with her,” the head

nurse said.

She participated in the rescue work actively, but at this time, she threw herself at the driver of the excavator almost


her work as life, so

she realized that she might die here, she still thought of her family, her

between them.

a nurse, she was also a human being. She was someone’s daughter, wife, and mother. She hoped

the rescue team captain announced that they

Byron Is

to fix the excavator,

burst into tears.


were also people like Cora who worked hard

impossible to clear the channel in a short time with her own strength, so she waved the shovel

others to

“If you don’t want to die,

useless to cry!”

rain, Cora didn’t know if she cried or not.

wet, but she gritted her teeth

because she didn’t want

with her

to see Byron

soft and weak, but

to bring hope to other

nurse was the first to

better to work together! With

I believe we can

the barrier

work together! Without the

Byron Is


for the chance

and more people joined

rain continued to intensify, and their strengths and beliefs were gradually worn

again whether they should

with their own strength, there was a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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