Chapter 159 Kiss Him


Byron stood at the door with a handsome expressionless face, making it hard to see through, and he didn’t speak.

Cora paused momentarily and still turned to make way for him, allowing him to enter the room.

The room was not big. When Byron, tall and with long legs, entered the room, it appeared more crowded.

Cora stood beside him and asked, “Do you want to take a

shower too?”

Byron ignored her and just took out the cigarette case from his pocket.

Actually, it was not the first time he had ignored Cora.

From when she got in the car to Autown to the way back, she had been trying to start a conversation, hoping Byron would

talk to her.

But Byron had never spoken to her until now.

Obviously, he was angry.

Chapter 159 Kiss Him


But Cora couldn’t figure out whether Byron was angry that she risked her life getting medicines or she needed him to take

the risk to save her.

All she knew was that she wanted him to hug her in his arms.

She didn’t know when she had this urge.

Maybe it was the moment he showed up driving a bulldozer in the pouring rain last night. Maybe it was the moment he intercepted the mud and rocks with his car today and saved


couldn’t care what it was. She tiptoed to kiss

kiss. Even though she took the initiative to hug his neck, he still refused to bend down and

Cora frantically bit his

suddenly turn

Byron’s body.

let her kiss, suddenly

passive to active.

to have forgotten about

Chapter 159 Kiss Him.

actively hugged his neck.


to him the joy of survival. He expressed how he was grateful that he had saved her in time

kisses lasted

they came back to their senses, they were already standing

don’t use a condom. Don’t finish inside me.”

Byron out when they were

to inherit tens of billions of


Later, he succeeded.

vacation. But instead of going out, she was enjoying her leisure teatime in her bedroom

a landslide on the

were unknown when she went to Autown, Jane had

Chapter 159 Kiss Him

after learning that


Jane got in touch with him

Dr. Lane

obviously not what

to issue another order, Derek said, “I think this is enough. Dr. Lane has already noticed

that Derek didn’t want to continue doing these dirty things, even if he would get a

period when Cora’s whereabouts were unknown, Derek thought a

job was to

on going her

help her anymore.

obviously also had concerns. “I

Cora and knew how vigilant

Cora was.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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