“You took so much money from me, yet you’re still entangled
with Byron. What exactly do you want?”
Under the fierce glare from Lydia, Cora remained indifferent.
“I advise you not to keep accusing me with derogatory words, or else you might find yourself at life risk.”
“Are you cursing me now?” Lydia was furious. “If it wasn’t for you, would I be lying here?”
In fact, after sending the gold bars to Cora, Lydia had been
waiting for her and Byron to break up.
But to her surprise, the private detective stated that the two
were still together, with Byron spending every night at Cora’s
apartment until dawn.
As for the seven thousand ounces of gold bars she gave to Cora, they had become cash and went straight into Byron’s personal account.
Feeling tricked and full of anger, Lydia had a stroke and was
Snat hed a Billionaire to be My Husband
Chapter 184 Waiting to See Your Expression
“You took so much money from me, yet you’re still entangled

with Byron. What exactly do you want?”
Under the fierce glare from Lydia, Cora remained indifferent.
“I advise you not to keep accusing me with derogatory words, or else you might find yourself at life risk.”
“Are you cursing me now?” Lydia was furious. “If it wasn’t for you, would I be lying here?”
In fact, after sending the gold bars to Cora, Lydia had been waiting for her and Byron to break up.
But to her surprise, the private detective stated that the two were still together, with Byron spending every night at Cora’s apartment until dawn.
As for the seven thousand ounces of gold bars she gave to Cora, they had become cash and went straight into Byron’s
personal account.
Feeling tricked and full of anger, Lydia had a stroke and was
Chapter 184 Waiting to See Your Expression rushed to the hospital.
She tried to blame Cora for everything, while Cora remained composed, nonchalantly saying, “As you age, your internal or ans will still age, no matter how well you maintain your appearance. Therefore, it’s essential to have a healthy diet and exercise. Don’t blame others for your health problems and push the responsibility onto irrelevant people.”
Cora thought Lydia’s stroke had nothing to do with her, which was caused by her own negligence toward a healthy lifestyle.
“Besides, you’ve got me wrong. I already talked to Mr. Hansen about breaking up, but he refused. As a powerless woman, what else could I do?”
Cora deflected all the blame on Byron, even suggesting, “If you feel dissatisfied, why don’t you give me more gold bars? I can mention it to Mr. Hansen again, and maybe he will agree
this time.”
Lydia wanted to tear her apart, but her hand was still attached to the IV drip.
“You think too highly of yourself!” She shouted.
Having fallen for Cora’s trick last time, losing money, and ending up infuriated with a stroke, how could she allow herself to fall into her trap again?
Chapter 184 Waiting to See Your Expression rushed to the hospital.
She tried to blame Cora for everything, while Cora remained composed, nonchalantly saying, “As you age, your internal org ns will still age, no matter how well you maintain your appearance. Therefore, it’s essential to have a healthy diet and exercise. Don’t blame others for your health problems and push the responsibility onto irrelevant people.””
Cora thought Lydia’s stroke had nothing to do with her, which was caused by her own negligence toward a healthy lifestyle.
“Besides, you’ve got me wrong. I already talked to Mr. Hansen about breaking up, but he refused. As a powerless woman,
what else could I do?”
Cora deflected all the blame on Byron, even suggesting, “If you feel dissatisfied, why don’t you give me more gold bars? I can mention it to Mr. Hansen again, and maybe he will agree
this time.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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