Chapter 204 Unwilling


Cora and Byron locked eyes, and for a moment, the tears that had been welling up uncontrollably threatened to fall.

But in the end, she closed her eyes. And when she looked back at him, it seemed as though she had cleaned up all her tears and mixed feelings inside.

Once again, she smiled charmingly at Byron.

Her smile gradually filled her dimples, which fascinated Byron

with their sweetness.

“There’s no need to apologize. We both knew what we were getting into, remember?”

In fact, he had made it clear from the beginning that he only wanted to sleep with her without any commitment.

However, Cora couldn’t help but fall for him, which led them to

this dilemma.

Seeing her expressions changing constantly, Byron felt panicked and didn’t know what to say.

But before he could respond, she continued, “However,

Chapter 204 Unwilling


breaking up comes at a high cost. Have you really thought it through?”

Cora had to face the truth even if she didn’t want to, and she

understood that despite the despair, life had to go on.

of being stubborn and giving up everything, she thought it would be better to ask for something when they parted ways. At least it would make her future days

bring up the break-up fee so quickly. While he did intend to give it to her, her direct request made him feel that her previous display of heartbreak and despair over

put it bluntly, her fondness and even admiration for him were based

him feel quite unfair, just

feelings and, with an expressionless look, asked, “How much

Cora answered promptly. It

Chapter 204 Unwilling

can be arranged. He would

I’ll have someone check on him and expedite the process,” Byron

Cora tightened and then loosened her grip on her skirt, finally saying,

words, she turned

soon, Byron suddenly grabbed



tease him with a sly smile, “Mr. Hansen, are you finding it hard to

respond to her playful remark. Instead, he took. out a tube of ointment

the back of

the cold ointment landed on her hand, Cora suddenly realized that there were a few blisters on the back of her

felt the pain much before because she had been overwhelmed

to the soothing effect of

Chapter 204 Unwilling


fact that Byron personally applied it, making her feel cared for and cherished, she suddenly

if it multiplied countless times in

that it threatened to bring forth the tears she had

pulled her hand back and forced a smile. “Take your clothes when you leave. Let’s pretend

went to the

appeared composed, but as she turned around, tears streamed

Chapter 204 Unwilling

can be arranged. He would be

I’ll have someone check on him and

process,” Byron assured her.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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