Chapter 206 Meet Again
After work, Sally took Cora to a bar. They were joined by
Sally’s boyfriend, Hayden Gollust, and his friend, Lucas Quinn.
Lucas was quite tall and had a gentle look, making him seem.
like a business elite.
“This is my bosom friend, Cora. Hayden, you’ve met her before, and this is Lucas,” Sally introduced them.
“Nice to meet you both. I’m Cora.” Cora wore a light beige knitted dress. Although it wasn’t of a very se y style, it still outlined her perfect figure, catching everyone’s attention.
Even Lucas, who rarely engaged in conversations with women, greeted her politely, “Hello, I’m Lucas.”
Sally and Hayden exchanged a smile.
Sally leaned towards Cora and whispered, “Looks like Lucas is interested in you. Why not give it a try? He’s also from Kinton, but he doesn’t want to rely on his family, so he came to New York. Although he has quite a lot of admirers, he’s not a plaboy. I’ve never seen him being interested in any other
Chapter 206 Meet Again
“Nah, Sally, I’m not ready for a new relationship right now,”

Cora knew that even long-lasting feelings might not lead
to anything substantial. Still, she couldn’t accept the idea of
finding a new partner the day after a breakup.
“But, Cora, the best way to forget about the last one is to start
a new relationship,”
Sally said, causing Cora to unconsciously think back to when
she started dating Byron after breaking up with Eason.
Perhaps the thought of Byron made her feel restless, so she
didn’t refuse to interact with Lucas.
Lucas wasn’t much of a talker and didn’t focus too much on
Cora’s figure, so they got along quite well.
So when Sally and Hayden went to the dance floor, leaving
the two of them alone at the bar, it wasn’t as awkward as
“Are you always busy at the hospital? Hayden told me that he has to make appointments with Sally in advance. Otherwise, she’s either working overtime or on her way to do so,” Lucas
“Yeah, we’re currently rotating through the emergency room for our internship, so we’re quite busy. Especially during major accidents, there’s no time to spare,” Cora replied.
Chapter 206 Meet Again
They continued chatting casually, not delving too deep into any particular topic.
Cora planned to tell Sally when she returned from dancing
that she wanted to leave early.
Even though she refused to admit it, she wasn’t ready for anyone new in such a short period of time.
However, to her surprise, Sally messaged her, saying: [Hayden and I are leaving now. Lucas will take you home later.]
At that very moment, a murderous intent instantly filled Cora’s
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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