Chapter 16: Don’t Say My Name


“He just left? Just got up and left?” Gemma picked at her fingernails, looking over at me from perch on the couch. We were in the atrium, a towering four-story high addition to the backside of the castle where the windows stretched to the ceiling and almost microscopic hoses ran along the beams, showering hundreds of plants in a steady flow of mist. It was what I imagined a jungle would look and feel like.

I fingered one of the leaves of a massive Monstera vine, marveling at the size of a leaf before turning to Gemma and taking a seat at on a wicker lounge chair across from her, folding my hands in my lap. “I don’t think he even, uh, finished?”

Seriously?” She sat up a little straighter, her eyes wide.

“I mean, I don’t know…”

“Did he say anything to you?”

“No! Nothing. He just left. I haven’t even seen him since last night. Maybe it wasn’t… good? Good enough for him?”

Gemma rolled her eyes, “Maeve, come on. Ask any man what constitutes good sex and they will say sex in general!”

I blushed, pressing my hands between my thighs. “I must have done something wrong.”

I definitely felt like I had done something wrong. I knew I had been difficult; he had made that very clear. We had ended up in a tangle of sheets on the floor, and not in a sexy way. Oh, yeah, it was my fault. He was expecting me to be submissive, unyielding. I had failed.

“It’s not your fault,” Gemma said gently, her eyes piercing mine as she willed me to believe her. “Something’s up with that guy.”

“What do you mean?”

“He is not what I thought he’d be. Nothing like the Aaron I met when his family visited Winter Forest.”

“Come on, Gem! I told you it’s been ten years since-”

“He looks nothing like he should, Maeve! He was a blond! Kind of a weakling!”

“Who says hair color can’t change? Rowan’s hair was nearly as light as mine until he reached his twenties. Now it’s as dark as Dad’s!”

“His eyes, Maeve? Don’t you think we both would’ve remembered those eyes? How often do you meet someone with eyes of two different colors, hmm?”

“Well, do you remember what his eyes looked like, Gemma? I don’t! He told me they got more pronounced as he got older-”

“Oh please, how is that even possible?”

paused, biting my lip.

“It’s not possible!”

“What are you saying, Gemma? Do you think he’s not that he’s not Aaron? Who else could he be?”

“I don’t know! I’m only saying he rubs me the wrong way, okay? Like he’s hiding something.”

“I think you’re the one hiding something!” I exclaimed, narrowing my eyes at her.

She arched her brow, leaning forward in her chair. I was being defensive, trying to cover my own shame and suspicion by bringing up the one thing I currently had against her. It was a dance we’d done since my childhood, really. Gemma would try to talk some sense into me, and I would clam up, my only option being to accept defeat or throw it back at her. I never accepted defeat.

“Why are you defending Aaron when he—”



Chapter 16: Don’t Say My Name

Lv. 1

“Why was your sweater in Ernest’s office?”

She blanched, the color draining from her cheeks as she abruptly looked away from me, her throat bobbing as she swallowed. “What did he say about it?”

“He looked guilty and embarrassed,” I said, trying to remain heated, but my mouth was twitching into a smile, a laugh choking me.

hand in dismissal, but I could see the same look of embarrassment lingering behind her eyes, mingled with

I was only… I shouldn’t have brought

guess Aaron is your business

“I’m sorry, too.”

at each other for a moment,

me what’s really going on between

tightening at the challenge of putting my feelings into words. Gemma was the only person I could talk

you want me

pacing back and forth in front of me, looking down at the ground. She came to a stop, rounding on


“He’s my mate, Maeve.”

“Who? Ernest?!”

again, a slight smile touching her

are a thing,

“No. No, we’re not.”

not? You’ve been waiting to feel the mate

feel it.

it the second I laid eyes on him, the very second I walked through the doors of the castle. But thinks— I’ve been flirting with him, trying to get a reaction out of him.

did he

it. He

killing me. Gemma was the queen

him how I felt. I told him I was sure we were mates. He didn’t say anything. He just sat there looking like he was about to cry. And then he

having anything to say?

sound like him

It was totally out of character. Maeve. He told me it’s not safe to be around him. I couldn’t believe it, you know, this is Ernest


to do. It happened a few days before we went to the social and … I tried as hard as I could to keep him off my mind, but the pull-oh, Goddess, the mate bond is so strong. I couldn’t even dance with that guy I met at

“So, you’re sure?”


12:37 |

Don’t Say My


could tell by the look behind her eyes that she had never been more sure about something in her

I’ll find out what

can’t. It

think it

What then? What would be the reasoning for you even being here, needing a breeder

shaking slightly.

that’s not

then they could have the heir. There’d be no need for me to be here. I would have no need of a breeder. I could walk out of this castle, tonight, nursing my broken heart on the journey home and then

push past her, her fingernails digging into my skin as I tried to pull away. “Don’t, Maeve. I know what you’re thinking. This isn’t

“What problems with Aaron?”

grip, giving me a knowing look. I let my shoulders slump and bit the inside of my lower lip to stop it from trembling and giving my true feelings away. She opened her mouth to speak, but we were suddenly interrupted by the glass door of the atrium sliding

I said, crossing my arms over my chest as

“Did we… summon them?”

a wide grin, which instantly evaporated and was replaced with his teasing arched brow when he saw the scowl on my

gripping the back of one of the wicker chairs. He glanced over at Gemma, a soft smile

the love of “I hissed under my breath, stalking toward Ernest with every intention of dragging him out of the atrium and into his office to demand an explanation from him as to why he didn’t feel a mate bond with Gemma when she

the forearm as he leaned down to whisper in my

to do that before you ran out of my room last night like I had the plague, or something. Let go!

Gemma sitting on the couch across from him, the two of them leaning into the empty space

me, a sly smile on his face. “I

toward the sliding glass door, fumbling against the weight of it. Aaron was right behind me, of course, and he put his hands on the glass to help me ease the

door slid open. I stepped into the corridor and began to walk toward the stairwell,

followed me regardless, grabbing me by the collar of my T-shirt and damn near tossing me into a darkened,

asked, coughing asl inhaled and my nose filled with the sharp scent of floor polish. The door had been left ajar, likely to air it



Don’t Say


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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