Chapter 120 Swathing’s Wrong with a

284 Vouch

Chapter 120: Something’s wrong with Her


The castle was abuzz with its usual day-to-day activities. Servants and maids passed me in the hallway carrying baskets of laundry and trays of tea. I could hear the clattering of cookware as I left my office and walked toward the grand staircase off the foyer, seeing the door to the servants’ hallway that led to the kitchen slightly ajar.

It was nearing lunch, and I was definitely hungry. I stopped to let a maid pass by with a tray full of sandwiches and coffee, heading toward the library.

“For Miss Kacidra,” she said, bobbing her head as she noticed my gaze.

I nodded back, tucking my hands in my pockets as I followed the maid down the hallway toward the library.

Kacidra was seated at the long library table in the center of the room. She was peering down at a large textbook, her brow knitted in concentration. She looked up with a smile as the maid approached with the lunch tray, but she arched her brow as I entered behind the maid.

“Don’t distract me, Rowan,” she said with a laugh before giving the maid her thanks. Kacidra leaned back in her chair and bit into a sandwich.

I pulled one of the chairs out from the table and sat down, taking a deep, restorative breath before grabbing a sandwich

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for myself.

“Want some coffee? You look like you could use it!” she asked.

“I didn’t get too much sleep last night,” I sighed, accepting the steaming cup of coffee from Kacidra. Kacidra snorted with mirth, bringing the coffee to her lips and sipping cautiously.

“Ouch, that’s hot-”

“Don’t you have class today?” I asked, motioning toward the mountain of books she had strewn across the table. She bit into her sandwich, flipping through the pages of her textbook for a moment before she met my eyes again, shrugging.

“I had class this morning. I have lab this afternoon, though. A test, so it’s a short class. I’ll be home before dinner.”

Kacidra was in her first year of medical school at the University of Mirage. She was studying to be a physician with the intent of going home to Red Lakes and setting up a practice there, something she said was desperately needed. Kacidra was sharp as a tack, and she seemed to be enjoying her studies. And Pete, well, I had never met anyone so devoted to their mate.

Her studies meant Kacidra and Pete would be living in Mirage for several years, and I had offered them residence at the castle.

Pete’s mother, a spirited older woman named Debby, was also living at the castle, but had insisted on being given a job while she remained under our roof. Debby had been given the task of tending to the hundreds of plants in the atrium, many of the plants native to the Isles where she was from, and all and

all, the family seemed content.

a huge

use all of the comfort she could


coffee mug before I met Kacidra’s eye. I couldn’t bring myself to answer that question, so I only shrugged my shoulders. I needed to figure out some way to express myself better, but I didn’t have the words at the

gazing into mine in search of

else is,” I muttered, taking another sip of my coffee. Everyone had gotten in just a few

couple of minutes, I expect. They all seem tired

I had no idea they’d ridden the train into town. Shows how much attention I’d been paying to everyone else

would have taken the car, but Maeve wanted to take the

All little boys

few days ago, I hadn’t seen them since Maeve and Troy left to start their new lives as the Alpha and

and their son George, who was just two

the library door opened and more of our family members poured in, as if they were fully aware of the thoughts I’d just had and I’d summoned them. I pushed aside my notions

around. She hadn’t been in this room yet since she arrived just a

the place?” Maeve said as she held Oli in her arms. Charlie had his arms wrapped around her leg, resting his bottom on

smile on my face as I glanced over at them. Will toddled over to me, and I reached down to scoop him up. I began to bounce Will on my knee.

Troy and were very hard to tell apart.

Will was loud and demanding, while Charlie was quiet

wild and fearless. As Maeve looked around the library, he sprinted away from her on all

blond hair and a lean build. He was slightly

father’s eyes. One was blue, much like Maeve’s and my own. And the other was a dark, steel gray. He was an interesting looking creature, and by the looks of it, was keeping Maeve and Troy on their

of excited “Dada!” rang out through the air as the boys made their way to their father like they

carpet, and he immediately took off on his hands and knees, crawling across the floor at a rate

was crawling still, but Oli was running, damn near sprinting toward

been the smallest baby I had ever seen in my entire life. He shouldn’t have survived, and likely wouldn’t have had divine intervention not saved his life.

suspicion he

be reckoned with.

couches near the hearth. He casually dumped the boys on the couch, much

is she?” Troy asked as he fielded the advances of the boys, who were tugging on

I replied stupidly. I

alone, Troy,” Maeve was scanning a

from the shelf, glancing at me out of the

George toddling ahead

over to toss her arms around Maeve while Ernest

pulled me off the couch into a tight hug. I hadn’t seen much of him

fall as she realized Hanna was not in the library with the rest of the family. Her eyes settled on mine, and I gave her a look

said as Mom entered the library, Dad coming along with her, his hand wrapped around Mom’s “We don’t

distant. We are all here to help. That was our reason

know what’s happening with you and Hanna, or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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