Chapter 83 Davon Invites Pamela to a Meal 

The next day arrived. 

Joshua came to the company early. 

Pamela didn’t come home last night. 

After Marsh left with the employees yesterday, Pamela soon went into frantic work mode. 

Pamela only had seven employees, and she needed to participate in all the work. 

She was utterly busy. 

She stayed up all night, and she even had dark circles under her eyes. 

Joshua was distressed and persuaded Pamela to take time to rest, but she refused him with a serious face. 

Pamela wasn’t the only one. Regina and the other seven employees also had their hands full. 

But the result was not ideal! 

Because of Marsh’s interference, Davon and other suppliers who had heard of the news from various channels all avoided Pamela. 

As a result, after a whole day and night, only a few suppliers agreed to work with Pamela. And there were even fewer suppliers who could supply the materials in two days. 

Even so, Pamela and the others were still working very hard. 

“A company is bound to grow big with such a leader and employees!” 

Sitting at the gate of the company, Joshua sighed with emotion while playing on his phone. 

It was not that Joshua did not want to help. But he was not familiar with the construction material business, and he could hardly make any contributions. 

Pamela couldn’t bear the sight of him being idle, so she asked him to guard the door. It happened to match his identity as the head of the security of Maple Properties, 

The employees were greatly disappointed to see Joshua like this. 

Derick sighed. “Alas! After what he said to Marsh and the others yesterday, I thought he had something up his sleeve, but I was wrong!” 

Natalia was a little angry and said, “I don’t get it. Pamela is such an outstanding woman. Why did she get herself such an incompetent husband? He doesn’t have to be rich, but at least he should help in every possible way! Anyway, I will never accept such a man to be my husband!” 

Regina sighed and said, “In fact, Joshua is quite a nice and honest person. But he isn’t capable and doesn’t deserve to be Pamela’s husband. As a bystander, I don’t think Pamela has deep feelings for him. She just pities him! Maybe when this is over, the two of them will get a divorce!” 

work hard with Pamela. Everyone, chin up!” Derick waved his fists

noon soon.

at the door, Joshua suddenly saw Pamela rushing

“Pamela, where

to a

meal?” Joshua

have to go. If I can reach an agreement with Mr. Elinor, with his connections, maybe

his phone in his pocket. “Why don’t I come together with you?”

frowned and said impatiently. “You know nothing. You will just be a liability

that, she got into the car

at Pamela’s Mazda leaving, Joshua frowned.

a bad feeling. Why did Davon invite Pamela to

got on his electric scooter

arrived at Golden Gate

to the door

waiter said, “Mr. Elinor is

You may leave!”

was a

Hotel was

price of food here

be here simply to

Obviously, he took today’s

made Pamela very

you can

cheered hersell up!

pushed the door

Davon sat on a chair, dressed very formally. However, he

Davon were

food had been ordered.

I’m late!”

need to apologize! Come here and

sat on the

sit so far away from me. We can barely hear each other. I wanted to talk about

Mr. Elinor, I’ll sit

over to sit beside Davon, about

like it!’

with satisfaction and gave the two

out of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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