Chapter 299 I Am Not Interested In Your Body

+5 Bonus

Damian glanced at Autumn without any change in his expression. “There’s a large amount of negative energy in the Jones family. I used a powerful geomancy skill to force the energy away. As the head of the family, Stefan naturally took the brunt of it. The negative energy gone the moment he spits out the blood. The Jones family is now free of their bad luck.”

Stefan climbed weakly to his feet as he murmured, “Thank you so much, Mr. Kline. I am deeply grateful for your help.”

It was true that he felt immensely better after coughing out the blood.

  1. is.

He was not the only one; the other Joneses had felt a change in their bodies as well, and they swiftly thanked Damian.

In an instant, Damian was revered by the entire Jones family. On the other hand, they looked at Alex in disdain.

“Dad, let’s take a seat over there.” Autumn helped her father to the side.

Right then, Desmond turned toward Alex and provoked, “Fraud, what now? What Mr. Kline has done is true geomancy. Hurry up and return our money now, you fraud.”

The corner of Alex’s mouth twitched as he scoffed, “I can return the money to you, but I’m afraid that Stefan won’t have the time to spend it anymore.”

“What?” Stefan whipped his head toward him in shock.

Alex glanced at him before asking, “Look at your palm. Is there a red line?”

With a pale face, Stefan turned his hands over and froze.

Alex was right, there was a faint red line on his palms.

The red line started from the middle of his palm, where the lifeline was, and extended all the way to his arm.

shouted, “What is this? I didn’t have this earlier!”

cut away the divine light on your forehead, your lifeline is revealed. In three days, the red line will reach your elbow. When



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Not Interested In

Alex’s words, Stefan

as she looked at


+5 Bonus

a loud thud and pleaded, “Mr. Kline, please.

Damian’s face as he sneered, “There’s no use crying over spilled milk. I can’t possibly undo this. You should be thanking me for using Stefan’s life to

regret wrapped itself around

was ashen, and he looked

Jones family members all had

head of the family had sacrificed himself in exchange for the rest

her lower lip

at her before muttering, “Since the Jones family has decided to believe in Damian, I’m no longer involved in this matter. Tell me your account number. I’ll return the money to

to help a family who insisted

you can save my dad, I’ll agree to any requests you have. I’ll

out for the sake of saving

Alex were capable of knowing what Damian had done in a glance, Autumn was sure that he would have a way to save her

“I’m not interested in

further, feeling

the Jones family. Not only was she one of the prettiest women in Nebula City, but she was also talented. She had not expected Alex to humiliate


out, “Mr. Jefferson, I was fooled! Desmond was the one


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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