Chapter 27 Beg For Mercy

Harrison’s face twisted into a deeper frown. Is Donald not done? What’s going to happen next?

Little did he know he would find out soon enough.

Harrison’s phone rang again. This time, it was a call from his secretary, who also happened to be his dad’s mistress. “Harry, things are not good. The authorities found out about the fake vaccines and have arrested your father, the chairman. They said he’ll possibly suffer a death penalty!”

Then, another call came in. “Mr. Queen, bad news. The capital flow to Pollerton Pharma had gotten severed. All the factories have ceased operation!”

Even his grandfather called again. “Harrison, it’s over for the Queen family. You better apologize to whoever you offended now or leave the city immediately to save yourself.”


“Grandpa, it’s too late now. The man I offended is right in front of me,” replied Harrison. The glow in his eyes faded at that moment.

“I see. Okay, t-they’re here to arrest me.” As soon as Louis finished his sentence, it was as though he had lost all of his strength, and he hung up.


Another call came in before Harrison could put away his phone. He straightened his back immediately because it was a call from the big shot behind Pollerton General Hospital, Johnny Green. “Hello, Mr. Green.”

“Harrison, I told your father last night to advise you to laying low for a few days. So, what on earth is happening now? I can’t even save myself anymore. It seems your family will undoubtedly perish today…” said Johnny with weariness in his voice.

The call soon ended after that.

word came from

pride had gotten trampled on

raised his trembling right hand and saw that only five minutes had passed since Donald threatened

could not believe


wrong. I really am. Please spare my family. I won’t ever touch your wife again.” Harrison got

was then that Donald got up and looked down at the

head on the ground that a bump formed on his

fault. I know I’ve made a grave mistake. Please spare us. I’ll be your servant from here on. I

vile actions, don’t you

filled Harrison’s eyes with horror. He’s going to kill me! Donald’s going

though his body had gotten shrouded in a dark, menacing

and a tall white hat jumped in from the window with


greeted as he knelt on

wet his pants at the

all, everyone knew of

Tyson Quirk, the South Prince, Zayne Yates, the East Prince, Lucas Albee, the West Prince, Jim Woolf, and the Center Prince,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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