Chapter 242 Tyrone Arrives

“What are the coordinates?” Donald asked icily.

Reina and Lana then began sketching out a map on a piece of blank paper. The clues that Bernie had left were confusing, and they had to sort through them slowly.

After a full hour, they finally finished drawing the map.

“It’s around the intersection of Dellmoor Street and Pollerton Road, but we can’t be certain about the exact location,” Lana informed.

Bradley immediately opened up the street view of the given location.


There were many buildings constructed at that intersection, which was a main location in the city. All four branches of the intersection had iconic, hundred-meter-tall buildings constructed around them.

“The most likely locations are Cosmic Bank, Tide Insurance Company, Heavenly Business Hub, and World Trade Hub,” Bradley listed as he circled all four buildings in red on the map.


Then, Donald opened up his Polaris System laptop. “Where are Azure Wyvern’s troops?”

In only one minute, thirty soldiers donned in masks and ancient armor appeared on the ninth floor of Rivebale Hotel.

greeted as they knelt down on one knee. They looked at Donald with admiration

was their leader,

was essentially

Wyvern King, showed the utmost respect

of Azure Wyvern, White Manticore, Phoenix Bird, Black Chelonian, and Griffin, which was led by Donald himself, made up


overseeing things in Quadfield,

charge of this, Kingsley. I’ll give you one day to find out the S6-Grade laboratory’s exact coordinates,” Donald instructed. “When the need arises, I’ll show

Kingsley boomed in

members of the Horizon Group

Lana and asked, “I have a question, Lana.

the grave look on his face, so she didn’t intend to joke around, either. “Would you

would,” Donald replied

were two days away from Lilith entering the S7-Grade

just risen. The warm rays of the looming autumn shone down on

the Campbell clan,

appearance sparked heated discussion in all of

dragons engraved on its surface landed at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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